
This is obviously bad, but one reason inflation hasn't really taken hold in Japan is because companies are wary of raising prices if there's a chance it will drive consumers to other producers or to stop consuming all together So yeah, the companies suck but don't let consumers off the hook either
This is my shocked face.
Well done to everyone who figured out that in between the lines was commentary that people should stop eating food just like Japan who embraces the ancient eastern art of "一体何のことを言ってるの?"
or antitrust regulators (tho this admin has been better on it than previous ones)
Yep, there's a lot of things you can point to but ultimately things like what's cited in quote are choices, not baked-in to the system
Seems a lot of the current economic problems trace back to Obama era decisions
But… if you stop consuming food you just die 🙃
Also, the article is about large grocers manipulating the *supply chain* while it was shaky to squeeze out smaller competitors, while also raising prices, so I don't see how consumers are on the hook for any part of this
The way the possibly useful information here is obscured by the messy, judgmental energy makes me tired and sad. There is a collective bad mood (at best) these days that does not serve us. Or else the intent here was too easy to misread…