
Avatar Just watched your AGML video and am eager to give it a try with my own designs. (I'm a systems engineer in real life making a transition to MBSE in SysML and UAF, so, there's that.)
Glad you found it interesting, please let me know if you have any questions or want to discuss more! I'm also working on a gallery so if you want to share your designs I'm happy to add them.
Marc, here's a couple of models of my current designs. See if they make sense. (I skipped the set-up process on Sky Merchants because it's relatively involved; I'll probably model that separately.)
Hey wow these are amazing! It looks like Sky Merchants plays left (as usual) but the bag passes right, is that correct? Also, for Vines and Wines, can I take no actions? Also, it looks like players taking turns is not related to the dealer finishing their turn.
Vines & Wines - correct, player can choose to pass. The only significance to the "dealer" question is to ensure equal number of turns per player (since player to the left of dealer is start player). Just realized I left out a step after player takes actions: Player upgrades all grapes and wines.