Marc Gurwitz

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Marc Gurwitz

Genus at Wonk • Fledgling Game Designer • Boardgame Enthusiast • Artist • He/Him • Ask me about AGML
Marvel is really cutting the budget on the next Fantastic 4 movie
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Hey who'm I gonna see at Origins?
I'm gonna start a museum of only YouTube ads. Calling it "Ad Nauseum"
New game idea: A traitor game where everyone is naked. I call it 'Bluff in the Buff'
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Failed business: "Kristy Noem's Puppy Farm"
Found this while looking for music icons. The website that links to it is dead, no idea where it's from or who made it. Apparently it's an illusion. Any ideas what I'm supposed to be seeing here? A music note and a document 'note'? Thoughts?
Mahjong isn't played with dice. Or maybe it is. If I knew, I wouldn't be looking for the video.
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Mentee Applications for the 2024 Session of Tabletop Mentorship Program (now part of Unpub!) are open now! Deadline to apply is Thursday 5/16.
Tabletop Mentorship Program — Unpub: The Unpublished Games
Phrases used to help identify that this is nonsense: "potentially valuable" -- could also be absolute nonsense. I'm potentially Spiderman, if only I can find a radioactive spider and a good writer. "families' findings" -- not peer-reviewed, not empirical, basically a rumour.
TIL movies in development: - Polly Pocket (Lena Dunham) - Magic 8 Ball - Viewmaster - Uno - Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots (Vin Diesel) - Barney the DInosaur (Daniel Kaluuya) (Thanks to Marina Hyde) Yay for IP!
Reposted byAvatar Marc Gurwitz
Full disclosure: Everything I've every posted on BlueSky has been Al-generated content
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This new online tool lets you easily create printable sheets of cards from basic templates
Forge of The website for prototyping your cards effortlessly.
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Mentor applications for the 2024 session of Tabletop Mentorship Program (now part of Unpub) are open! Mentor application deadline is April 26th. Mentee applications open May 2nd. We're looking forward to making games better, together!
Got my glasses, reserved a space on the hill with clear visibility, so all ready for the eclipse tomorrow!
Reposted byAvatar Marc Gurwitz
Beautiful, clear sky this evening Now if someone can please rewind the sun and moon, I'd appreciate it
Reposted byAvatar Marc Gurwitz
Marc, here's a couple of models of my current designs. See if they make sense. (I skipped the set-up process on Sky Merchants because it's relatively involved; I'll probably model that separately.)
Says someone who's never been punched by a baby
“everybody was kung-fu fighting” oh? even a little baby? a little baby with no muscle strength was kicking and punching and flying around? a tiny little flying kung-fu baby? get out of my face
Picture of the staff who operate this Bluesky account
Picture of the staff who operate this Bluesky account
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Just to add to this, Golden Bell got booted off Kickstarter, and set up their own crowdfunding site. As this post over on Reddit from a few years back says, it has a clause that you can never defame them.
If you are ever approached by Golden Bell Entertainment, stay faaaar away.
I'm working on a game where you try to figure out who farted in the hot tub. It's called J'accuzi.
Something tells me I can figure out a bit about what books the developer has recently read...
TIL: The cybertruck is a load-bearing butt
Here in Online we love a good load-bearing "but;" this one might belong in the record books.
Apparently it's owl day around here or something. No photos so just drew this on the quick. #birds 🦉
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There is a 'test my game' Phishing attack going around Jam related networks on Discord. The attacker reaches out to an account's close friends, asks them to visit a site & DL a file to get help testing their game, the .exe sends passwords & drops spyware. Stay frosty out there!🧊 #gamedev #indiedev
All I need to know about the fediverse I learned about years ago when Britney got involved.
Hey fediverse, check in on RSS and see how the whole “actually useful but really hard to explain to the average user” thing is going.
New card game where you pass the cards around waiting to see if you've won or lost: Deck Around and Find Doubt
Game design idea: Diseases of the Owl