
Did you know: 1) There are 3 versions of the 10 Commandments in the bible, 2) The 2 in Genesis are WILDLY different, but the bible claims they're the same. The 2nd makes no mention of stealing, killing, bearing false witness or adultery. 3) Louisiana's version is a patchwork
“I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS,” the lying, thieving, covetous adulterer Donald Trump trumpeted in all caps on his Twitter knock-off site. He loved it as branding & the Louisiana's version was a Cecil B. DeMille Hollywood production. 1/22
Ten Commandments gone wild! The Christian right's latest toxic A tale of the evangelical right, the least religious president ever and Cecil B. DeMille's phony list from God
Frankly I couldn’t care less. Awful book.
It has such a HUGE impact on our lives. 10 Commandments are a key text & the account around them is incoherent. Seems like something worth knowing.
Oh I agree for sure. I only meant that they are irrelevant to me. I’m sick to death of having my life influenced by Christians