
prefacing this by saying my philosophy of quit whining & nut up still applies, but if the biden team can’t hold down the fort with the gormless little weasel brigade of rando dem advisors & backbenchers & media toadies then it’s better to cut bait & kick it to harris because they just love this shit
just might want to hit yourself in the face with a jewelers hammer ten or twenty times a day because the same gormless slugs are gonna feed the word “likability” into the nyt a billion times a day until you want to reverse your own literacy
Biden‘s likability is important to me. This discussion reminds me that he’s a man of genuine character and Trump is a rapist who admires Jeffrey Epstein. Trump is also a convicted fraud and wannabe dictator while Biden is the best president of adult life.
Weird. Donald Trump said during the debate that Joe Biden is soft on the Palestinians. I believe the exact quote from Trump was something along the lines of “Joe Biden is Palestinian.”
all the more reason for Biden to stop aiding the genocide