
if you wanna tell me your height i promise i’ll be really normal and never make a chart about it
5'4 is the ideal human height. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like unless by performance you mean getting something off the top shelf
please i literally had to not get something at the grocery store the other day because i couldn’t reach it. this is too real.
you've got to climb those shelves like some sort of horrible grocery goblin or you're not fully committed to the bit (where "the bit" is getting the last box of Tazo hibiscus tea concentrate) (it's me, i'm the grocery goblin)
I have done this! I try to ask for help, but sometimes people aren’t around. Although sometimes people will spot me as I am climbing down with my box of tea, but we will make eye contact and they will see how short I am, and just shrug it off. They know it was necessary to be a goblin.
This is like one of my t-shirts. Maybe you should consider a grabber?