
this analysis is basically 'the good king biden is simply *unaware* of the problems because of his bad advisors' when the reality is that biden has been in government for half a century and he is making an informed decision to choose these people because they share his beliefs
Notable that Bob Bauer, the same longtime advisor who did prep for the poor debate, was the co-chair of the failed Supreme Court reform commission. Bauer helped kill SCOTUS reform efforts back in 2021. Enough. Get Bauer out and get Biden court advisors that understand what we are up against. 1/
As you say, Biden bears responsibility too. But it's far easier to fire Bauer than Biden. And Bauer gets much much less attention. It is good to balance that out.
but that would require biden to recognize the severity of the current circumstances and make a conscious decision to change course and there's nothing to suggest that he's doing anything like that
biden just got handed an enormous amount of power by the supreme court but he's gonna keep fighting with his arms tied behind his back because he believes that nothing about america's institutions have fundamentally changed since the '70s even as SCOTUS is giving trump power to be a despot