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mixed nut enthusiast
just remembering this bit from mark twain
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
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A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
twitter has become such a platform for chuds under the new management that it's hard to believe it was once a place where you would randomly see experts in any imaginable field pop up out of the blue and provide incredible insights into topics you had never even heard of
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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Far-right chud in NYT: "They went about the ordinary business of life - laboring, raising children, worshipping their creator - untroubled by futile expectations of change." Medieval commoners: "I would rather the king and all kings were dead than that my son should be hurt on his little finger."
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
biden can't even pardon the guy who leaked trump's tax documents and got slapped with a 5 year prison sentence; the court was confident in handing the president dictatorial power because they know biden is too stuck in the 1970s to adapt to change and use those powers for his benefit
I think the IRS needs to be ordered to release the tax returns for various Trump and Kushners, as well as various Supreme Court justices and Trump advisors. Not illegal anymore!
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This should have been the priority of the 2021 Trifecta. They did not take the threat seriously and now here we all are again
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
it's so frustrating to have been a critic from the left of biden for years, to resignedly support him because i believe that trump is an existential threat, and now there's this screaming faction wanting to overturn the results of the primary and replace him with another candidate at the last moment
It’s maddening to see skepticism of ejecting Biden treated like cultish loyalty. Some of us have been out here saying Biden’s too old for years. The problem is that what is being proposed is a shocking, almost unheard-of remedy, and every historic precedent tells us it’ll end in catastrophe.
it doesn't matter what the democratic party's wish list is; even if they had a trifecta and supermajorities in both chambers trump's judges will simply say every bill the democrats pass is unconstitutional
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
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there's a certain irony that liberals who have spent four years yelling at leftists who criticize Biden at all for any reason have now, in one week, done more damage to Biden's candidacy than all those leftists combined
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
buttigieg thinks he's luke skywalker but is actually the sort of guy who sits in imperial cabinet meetings and watches darth vader choke out a dude and then later blames the dude who got choked for speaking intemperately
Pete buttigieg ruining the vibe by constantly interrupting to say that he’s Luke
look, biden isn't the guy i wanted back in the primary but this sort of panicky overreaction about his performance at the debate might as well be an in-kind contribution to the trump campaign
Here’s why Biden is toast: in this situation, any candidate in Biden’s shoes would do a series of events (interviews, press conferences, town halls, etc) to prove they are up to the task. But, Biden isn’t doing that because he can’t. He’s not capable—and that’s not going to change.
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intimidating and punishing journalists who expose flagrant state corruption, another classic Jim Crow mechanism
She won a Pulitzer for exposing how the country's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
also, the rating of michelle obama is totally bonkers, there's now way that a person who has never sought nor held elected office like her would be more likely to be nominated for president than incumbent governors like gretchen whitmer or jb pritzker
the political betting markets are insane, there's no world where the incumbent president wins every single primary but is somehow nearly a three-to-one underdog to garner the party's nomination when the convention is being held in one month's time
the political betting markets are insane, there's no world where the incumbent president wins every single primary but is somehow nearly a three-to-one underdog to garner the party's nomination when the convention is being held in one month's time
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these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
truly one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen for the ACLU to roll over and meekly accept the rulings of a supreme court that is paving the way for a trump dictatorship
the ACLU is done. finished. toast. kaput
it's hard to wrap my brain around it but the evidence suggests that a lot of right wingers viewed the 2020 protests as such an intolerable affront to their idea of order that they will eagerly destroy the institutions of democracy to make sure someone will brutalize all future protesters
it's the 2020 protests. i think they fundamentally broke conservatives.
it's been mostly forgotten at this point but the evening before the J6 insurrection a pipe bomb was placed at the DNC offices and the culprit has never been found i can only imagine what sort of plans that bomber has in store if he doesn't like the outcome of the next election
biden one-upping dukakis by taking command of an M1 Abrams and using it to crush all the cars in the supreme court's employee parking lot
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
clarence thomas taking bribes has been one of the top news stories for a year, if biden arrested thomas for corruption and put him in the clink he would win in a landslide (he could also arrest a corrupt dem like bob 'gold bars' menendez to diminish the claims that it was a partisan witch hunt)
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
the conservative movement is 80% of the way towards installing trump as a despot meanwhile the biggest concern the democratic party has is doing damage control over their geriatric candidate giving his highest profile appearance in years while looking feeble and wizened
In case you’re keeping track we’re at this point in the progression towards a fascist dictatorship.
this analysis is basically 'the good king biden is simply *unaware* of the problems because of his bad advisors' when the reality is that biden has been in government for half a century and he is making an informed decision to choose these people because they share his beliefs
Notable that Bob Bauer, the same longtime advisor who did prep for the poor debate, was the co-chair of the failed Supreme Court reform commission. Bauer helped kill SCOTUS reform efforts back in 2021. Enough. Get Bauer out and get Biden court advisors that understand what we are up against. 1/
the majority of white men in this country are gonna vote for a fascist because they would rather destroy democracy than tolerate slightly higher tax rates and permitting women and minorities to be partners in power
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
half the country is terrified of authoritarians taking over the government meanwhile the supreme court has handed this democratic president the tools to take virtually any extraordinary action he deems necessary to stop it from happening because they are so confident biden won't actually use them
The really bitter irony here is that SCOTUS is making the president a king while a Democrat is president. They aren't worried about it because they know Democrats won't accept Biden actually acting the way they are saying he can.
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It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
The really bitter irony here is that SCOTUS is making the president a king while a Democrat is president. They aren't worried about it because they know Democrats won't accept Biden actually acting the way they are saying he can.
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
the democrats fucked up by failing to pass democratic reforms when they had a trifecta in 2021 but it's not too late! — joe biden could block republicans from entering congress and use that time to pass reforms
I'll point out that Napoleon staged the military outside of the General Assembly at one point and prevented political opponents from entering in order to pass legislation. Under the SCOTUS ruling, it seems like a president could do the same and be immune due to being the C-in-C.
this country is designed so that republicans win power even when they don't win majorities at the ballot box and the democratic party as an institution has spent decades meekly going along with this arrangement instead of demanding reforms that enhance american democracy
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
the democratic party is utterly unprepared for the level of revenge that trump is gonna pursue if he wins, rage against his enemies will be the primary driver of policy out of a trump 2.0 white house
Trump "re-truthed" this meme yesterday. But look, whatever you do, don't call it fascism.
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every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?