
I encountered one in a garage once and I didn't care for that; I would not like to see one in my house. I captured a squirrel in the house by standing on the kitchen table and dropping a laundry basket over it as it raced around.
If it helps opossums are big gentle babies who use angry hissing and showing teeth as purely show defense. If they play dead you can push them out of your house with a broom, otherwise open a door and keep a broom between you and the dummy and it should leave
I know they are useful and harmless but they are toothy and hissy😄
They sure are! They are great at making themselves seem vicious! I’ve seen videos of people (with leather gloves) put their hand in an opossum’s mouth and the opossum did nothing
The possum every hour account will never convince me they're cute
Fair! I think they are ugly cute personally. Like hairless dogs