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Scientist/Immunologist. Facts are facts whether you choose to believe them or not. Stop procrastinating - get VACCINATED Climate change is real. Buckle up it’s about to get real hot. Follow at your own risk. Please excuse the typos, I wear oven mitts.
I met my first ‘blocker’ today. We were both on a ‘follow’ list. One in 4 months? I must be doing this all wrong. I must go flog myself. I’ll be back.
Reposted byAvatar Pestilence
Tom Petty and the Heart Bakers
make a band meatier: Boston Butt
This is how my posts are written…
this is how my posts are written
Avatar you made me hungry for this burger, which I was making for dinner. Bacon and blue cheese pressed into the burger, fried on the stove to caramelize and then onto the grill to get the other side. Delicious.
POLLSHIT! I’ve been screaming this since 2021 when the ‘Red Wave’ was predicted. Seems the pundits got it wrong in France too. Go figure.
Many pundits thought Le Pen would win & take over because polls projected she’d win. 🇫🇷 voted to not be a country governed by a fascist party. Vive La France. Fuck Le Pen. 🇬🇧 rejected the far RWNJS too. Lesson for 🇺🇸MSM: Voters ‘r smart Polls ‘r stupid Polls don’t vote U people ‘r putrid.
Reposted byAvatar Pestilence
Eldest daughter’s cat, Bette, had neck surgery (she’s fine, was benign), so she made this contraption to keep her from going after the stitches. She just needs a pack of Marlboro cigs tucked up under her shoulder to look like a Kitty from the wrong side of the tracks that shouldn’t be messed with.
You know who, rolled in something and it smells (and he smells) like you know what! Finn - “What’s going on? Do you smell that? Did something die?” He’s getting a shampooing in the backyard before he gets back in the house.
It’s downright disgusting that all of the ‘mainline’ media are pushing the convicted felon down our proverbial throats. Do they think they will become his ‘Ministry of Truth’ if he fucking wins? They only need one MoT and the Republican Party has had that in spades since the 90s. Faux News!
Happy Sunday! The rain is making everything look so lush and the flowers just seem bigger! The hydrangea have huge flowers. A large yellow day lily, a stand of Pale Pink Coneflowers and the ‘Queen of the Prairie’. Have a great day! #Photography 🌸
I have to ask all the Revengelical Christaints out there. Is your god, that supposedly created this world, aok with you fucking turning it into an uninhabitable wasteland in your pursuit of money and power. I mean, I’m down with that as long as big daddy is.🙄
The perspicacity of your immune system is the only thing keeping you out of that plastic bubble.
Well folks, it’s been a day of mischief and fun. Keep strong and may the wind be ever at your back, and if not, just get on that jet ski and power through it! Good night. Sleep tight. Pesty has the bed bugs tonight.
Good morning y’all! Finn had an awesome time on the pontoon yesterday surveying the lake. Ears flapping in the wind and all. #Photography #DogsOfBlueSky
Look out for Land Squid when you’re setting up your BBQ area. We have a serious infestation.
He needs to wear this around his neck like a scarlet letter from now until November 5th!!!
Trump is trying to claim Project 2025 has nothing to do with him. It is to going to be an albatross for the GOP.
I’m pretty sure that Death is just fucking with us.
Science bad! Until they need science to survive! Every anti-science hypocrite on the planet. Just pray. Jeebus will take care of you! SCIENCE - Because you can’t figure shit out by praying
Trump could ‘Khashoggi’ a couple of the NYT investigative reporters and their headline would still be: “Biden is old and not fit to be President”
If you’re going to mention in your headline news that, ‘President Biden struggles to stay in the race’ but not mention dick about the wannabe dictator who’s a rapist, pedophile, and so much more… please kindly go FUCK yourself!
Good morning from lake country. Black and White and Pretty in Pink. A few of the flowers (and bugs) making their appearance this fine morning after a night of rain. Enjoy your day!
Reposted byAvatar Pestilence
Fox and cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca) are blooming. There is a yellow version here also.
Tamias striatus on its perch. Chirpin and chattering. Finn is going bonkers. Back into the wood pile he goes.
It’s take your book to the lake day!
He’s got a valid point. If they want to play this game then teachers who are disgusted by it play dirty.
Reposted byAvatar Pestilence
Project 2025 is NOT a plan to make America great again... It's a plan to make America, Germany 1939.