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Scientist/Immunologist. Facts are facts whether you choose to believe them or not. Stop procrastinating - get VACCINATED Climate change is real. Buckle up it’s about to get real hot. Follow at your own risk. Please excuse the typos, I wear oven mitts.
Took the morning off to golf with my son and couple of my friends. Oh to be young and killing the drives straight down the fairway 280+. Screw him (just kidding). Here’s some Sand Hill Cranes that wandered by. #Photography
It’s very early Tuesday morning and the coffee has yet to kick in and change my attitude.
Good morning! The prairie is filling out quite nicely. #Photography #Prairie
Yeah, it’s Monday. Get over it! Be a fricking shark today!
Post the last photo of your dog in your gallery.
If you'd like t'participate, post the last photo of a doggo in yer gallery! 🥰🥰🥰 #SkylineCleanse #FourLeggedFamily
Time to enjoy the day. No more of this nonsense. Peace out! See what you will, but I imagine ballerinas with pink petal tutus dancing in the breeze. #iphonephotography #photography
Tornado heading this way. Peace out!!!
Good morning, folks! It’s going to be a beautifully warm day here to take a walk through fields of gold. Have a great day, or not, the choice is yours.
As usual, Finn used his puppy eyes to get his evening walk/run. We went to the berm, then down the apocalyptic road and through the mosquito gauntlet to make it back to the bottom of the yard. The run through the gauntlet was tricky as it is really overgrown.
There a two great days in a boat owners life. The day you buy the boat (pontoon) and the day you sell it. Finally got a buyer for the older used pontoon. The empty spot looks so nice. B - bust O - out A - another T - thousand
This is an old image from the ACA debates but it highlights the fucking ignorance, or dare I say stupidity, of folks regarding government programs and the social safety nets that they provide. Oh, how I long for the days of ‘yore’ when the Homo ignorami were not so loud and fucking obnoxious.
The last addition tonight hasn’t yet bloomed but has already begun to send up its 12-14 foot tall shoots that will eventually be covered in yellow sunflower like blooms. Prairie Dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum) has very large elephant ear-sized leaves that are low to the ground. #Photography
The prairie cone flower (Ratibida pinnata, a.k.a. - Grey-head cone flower) is starting to bloom on its near 6 foot tall stems. It’s another prairie fan favorite. #Photography
The literal Queen-of-the-Prairie (Filipendula ruba) is starting to open. I have many favorites but this delicate flower is among the top. #Photography
The native wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) is beginning to flower in the prairie. The lovely lavender flowers add some unique color to the other flowering plants in the prairie. #Photography #Flowers
Good morning! The ☕️ is hot and delicious. Here’s a shot of the prairie from last evening. I’d sit out here but I’d need some O negative, STAT! #Photography
The worker bees are working, which is the point, I guess.
Good morning, all! A couple of prairie shots. Give it another couple weeks and many of these plants will be 7+ feet tall. Not so long ago the prairie would have been an expanse across much of the Midwest and plains states. #Photography
A few of Grandpa Incoherantz Shitzhimself’s Veep pics. It’s like fucking Garanimals for fascists!
Tomorrow it will be time to check on honey production in the two honey supers, and the overall health of the hive. To me it looks like a really active colony but the inside tells the true story.
Fishing the reservoir last evening.
If you see this Post, or Re Post something Blue in Colour/color😏 Be nice if it’s Sea, and Blue Sky but it’s #BlueMonday so anything blue..💙🔵🔷 🌊 ☀️⛅️🌥️ 📷 ©️ #Fun #Photography #Breathe 🌾❤️💛💚💜👒🦋🌳 Bermuda 2012
The Butterfly Weed (Asclepius tuberosa) is starting to flower. I started these from seed and have been planting them all around the gardens and in the prairie. Great butterfly attractor.
Avatar you made me hungry for this burger, which I was making for dinner. Bacon and blue cheese pressed into the burger, fried on the stove to caramelize and then onto the grill to get the other side. Delicious.
POLLSHIT! I’ve been screaming this since 2021 when the ‘Red Wave’ was predicted. Seems the pundits got it wrong in France too. Go figure.
Many pundits thought Le Pen would win & take over because polls projected she’d win. 🇫🇷 voted to not be a country governed by a fascist party. Vive La France. Fuck Le Pen. 🇬🇧 rejected the far RWNJS too. Lesson for 🇺🇸MSM: Voters ‘r smart Polls ‘r stupid Polls don’t vote U people ‘r putrid.
Eldest daughter’s cat, Bette, had neck surgery (she’s fine, was benign), so she made this contraption to keep her from going after the stitches. She just needs a pack of Marlboro cigs tucked up under her shoulder to look like a Kitty from the wrong side of the tracks that shouldn’t be messed with.
You know who, rolled in something and it smells (and he smells) like you know what! Finn - “What’s going on? Do you smell that? Did something die?” He’s getting a shampooing in the backyard before he gets back in the house.
Happy Sunday! The rain is making everything look so lush and the flowers just seem bigger! The hydrangea have huge flowers. A large yellow day lily, a stand of Pale Pink Coneflowers and the ‘Queen of the Prairie’. Have a great day! #Photography 🌸
Well folks, it’s been a day of mischief and fun. Keep strong and may the wind be ever at your back, and if not, just get on that jet ski and power through it! Good night. Sleep tight. Pesty has the bed bugs tonight.
Good morning y’all! Finn had an awesome time on the pontoon yesterday surveying the lake. Ears flapping in the wind and all. #Photography #DogsOfBlueSky