
It’s so hilarious that the US political press are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for Biden to stumble over a word so they can prove their worth when the opponent is LITERALLY DONALD TRUMP.
Look, I was there, he corrected himself quickly and fluidly. He does have a speech impediment: the issue at hand is his mental acuity, and if anything this showed me that he recognized a mistake and fixed it
Trump once had a never-explained incident that meant he posted a garbled tweet and then went dark for a PAINFULLY long period after, and rather than try to find out what happened, the press were like ‘LOL, Covfefe!!!?!’
There’s just such an enormous lack of curiosity about issues with trump - totally aside from the thing of going ‘let’s put fascism to the test at the ballot box’ - about issues that, for any given democrat, can create literally thousands of articles for months on end. Actually and literally.
Obama and the Disrespectful Tan Suit. Clinton’s Emails. Can A Woman Have the Temperament To Lead a Nation (if one forgets that all other nations on earth exist)? The US political press work night and day, again literally, to ensure that the GOP path to power is as obstacle-free as possible.
Again, all this assumes being a Nazi is a legitimate political position - WHICH IT IS CERTAINLY FUCKING NOT - and even then, they lobby for trump by relentlessly attacking his opponent. All of them. Maybe the New Yorker balances their concerns vaguely equally, but that’s it. No one else.
I want to hear absolutely ZERO ‘how could this have happened in America’ shit from the press from now on. They are willing it to happen with, as I said, literally thousands of published articles which emphatically lobby to make sure it does.
Q is: deliberate lack of interest? Must be, surely?