
This right here is why we will blast straight through 1.5° and 2°C and more. The science: “Limiting warming to 1.5°C and 2°C involves rapid, deep and in most cases immediate GHG reductions.” People: “To solve climate change, we need to make gradual, step-by-step changes to our society.” 🧪
This poll uses unfair language. Only in California do people think that "disruption" is a beneficial process. We can have fast, useful change that "feels" gradual.
There is nothing beneficial about the disruption required to turn this around. Deep and rapid emissions reduction will be a massively disruptive to society. This is where we are at.
Politely disagree. The main "disruption" will be people making and building different things, changing up how they get around, etc. There will also have to be a lot more resistance to obstruction from utilities, gas companies, etc.
Let me explain some of the disruption. Currently there are millions of people using way way more energy than is required for a decent living standard. Millions of people will have to cut back on energy use to name just one action that will have to be taken - for many this will be *very* disruptive.
Here is what needs to happen (we have missed the 2024 target) The Covid measures were an indication of the level of change that needs to happen
I feel you and I think this is all accurate. If we can get Biden re-elected, there's a real possibility to tax/shame/monkeywrench some of the biggest exploiters out of what they're doing, like billionaires, AI, and crypto people. That will definitely get us closer to the 5+% goal.
Interesting. Bubbles size should be proportional to current emissions. Give me the data, I'll out it for you
Well, humans are greedy and stupid. Bezos and Putin could make a huge dent right now with their fortunes. But they're psychopaths.