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J6 failed so Putin is trying again.
Elon wants government ID for his Twitter audience.
He can keep it.
THAT'S TWO!!! FRANCE AND ENGLAND!!!! LET'S GIVE NATO A TRIFECTA!!!!!!!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
this shit ain't new to Black people we been truing to tell you
white people are catching on b/c the fascists have started saying the quiet part out loud just cause you don't speak dogwhistle doesn't mean it wasn't said
this shit ain't new to Black people we been truing to tell you
Interpreting work in ways that do not match the intent of the author is not an attack on their humanity. Communication always involves more than one mind and those minds are never identical. The demand that one can or should dictate the whole of the other requires a claim of supremacy.
Joe wasn't prepared for that . He was prepared for a classic debate. Journalism is not dead. But it doesn't live in the MSM anymore. And it all started with the same names: Epstein and Trump
I don't think it was deepfaked. But it WAS a set-up. They knew exactly that Trump will be lying 160 lies/minute , they did nothing. As Michael Cohen said (he did a great commentary on the debate together w ) you could put two AIs instead of Dana&Jake for all they were doing there
Oh yes. That's how it works. It all looks very legitimate. But it's a setup. Reminds me of how Putin has this Q&A session w Russian Governors,who are allowed to ask him hard questions on TV , but if they go off the script,he sends his MAGA candidates & invented "scandals" in the media after them.
So he wants what happened to George Floyd to happen to other poor people? McEntee can kiss it where the sun don't shine.
John Mcentee, senior advisor on the Trump Project 2025 plan (who served in Trump’s admin) bragging that he gives unhoused ppl fake $ to get them arrested. (He's also rethinking if women should vote.) - TN Holler Found a short on youtube
Former Trump Adviser Admits to Giving Unhoused People Fake A senior Trump adviser admitting to illegal activity actually feels very on brand.John McEntee, a former Trump staffer, is bragging about giving fake money t...
"Some speech pathologists have suggested he may (not does, just may) have a disorder that sometimes accompanies stuttering, called cluttering, which is not an intellectual deficiency but a sometimes hectic and disorderly translation of thoughts into words." close to what I was talking about earlier
Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
it truly is a shame that the New York City charter requires that the mayor be "thee largeft heap of fhite within thirty Miles" but the law's the law
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
Yesterday, Ukrainian forces targeted and struck two military facilities in occupied Donetsk region. In Debaltseve, they hit a logistics center where Russian forces stored tank equipment and ammunition. In Novoluhanske, they destroyed the expensive Russian automated jamming station R-330Zh "Zhitel."
GOP Governors: "screw the poor students". They sound like Marie Antoinette.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
Teeny tiny baby endangered snowy plover. Share the beach. 🪶
Ms. Richardson has a way of nudging aside all the superfluous, and getting to the FACTS of the matter.
The far right stochastic network is starting to push its followers into participatory events that are crimes. We are starting to see the game plan for the rights attempt to disrupt the election nationwide not just the process to make it law. This has the hallmark beginning of something really dark.
Here we see a right wing Twitter account with 1.3 million followers being retweeted by an account with 2.5 million followers calling for conservatives to sabotage the upcoming American election. Musk, BTW, has interacted amicably with these accounts several times.
I'm watching The Boys, and this line feels very real especially today in France Anyway, let's vote the fascists out
Wer eine gute Podcast-Folge sucht, empfehle ich diesen Beitrag mit (über sein Buch »Machtübernahme. Was passiert, wenn Rechtsextremisten regieren. Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand). Eine besondere Einladung, sich das anzuhören, geht an alle Beamt*innen raus: #DemokratieVereint
Machtübernahme: Was tun, wenn die AfD regiert? _September 2024, Wahlsonntag, 18 Uhr - die ersten Hochrechnungen der Wahlergebnisse erscheinen auf den Fernsehbildschirmen im ganzen Land - der grell-blaue Balken flackert über die Mattscheiben: 31 Pr...
What an utterly bizarre, acutely dangerous, and downright terrifying place this country is in. Because six unelected rightwing operatives said so. And because the Republican Party is united behind the worst person in America to hold this kind of power.
If Trump were to personally shoot someone on Fifth Avenue: Not immune. (Probably. Maybe.) If he were to order the army to massacre thousands on Fifth Avenue: Immune. (Very clearly, under the decision.) But from a constitutional perspective, the latter is the grave danger to guard against.
The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a desperate sense that nothing short of a reactionary counter-revolution will suffice to save nation from the onslaught of fundamentally anti-American woke,” “globalist” forces - and that there is very little time left to pull it off. 5/
I took a deep dive into the “Promise to America” Heritage president Kevin Roberts has offered in his foreword to the "Project 2025" report: It perfectly captures the siege mentality, self-victimization, and grievance-driven lust for revenge that are fueling the Right's plans. 2/
They will do anything for power. Republicans are lawless and have selected a lawless mob boss in their owner, Trump.
Kevin Roberts believes he’s a noble defender of “real America” against a totalitarian “woke,” “globalist” assault from without and within. “Project 2025” is his declaration of war on multiracial pluralism. I wrote about his extremist worldview here: 1/
“Project 2025” Promises Revenge, Oppression, and Autocratic The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a radicalizing siege mentality and a desperate desire to restore dominance
I suppose Gov. Kitten Heels will be taking cover under plywood during hurricane season.
Textbook authors told climate change references must be cut to get Florida’s OK The directive appears similar to requirements the state imposed on math and social studies textbooks said to include “critical race theory” and “social justice” material
Textbook authors told climate change references must be cut to get Florida’s The action appears similar to requirements the state imposed on math and social studies textbooks said to include “critical race theory” and “social justice” material. The s…
They ALL are. In Germany, too.
You will need to ask Also – Tapper and Bash. I have questions: 1. Where was the fact checking? 2. Why were they both muted, too? 3. Why did they keep thanking Grump with "Thank you, Mr. President" but Biden with "Thank you"?