Peter John H

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Peter John H

Retired Nurse, banned from TwitX obviously too nice for the Tesla man. I’ve missed you guys. And I’m now Tee Total.
Good morning all I have Sunday Football. A load of testosterone fuelled kids all wanting to win. Wish me luck. ❤️😉😂
Idk what happened last night awake at a crazy time and now knackered and working today. Good morning all enjoy your weekend. ❤️
I’m awake and it’s the middle of the night 😡😡😡😡
How did Sushi Sunak get on. Win or lose?
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Don't ever forget, David Cameron's austerity agenda has killed more people than Covid.
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Remember the days when sanctioned people were dying before their appeal was heard? Remember the poor woman who died the same day she received a letter telling her she was fit for work? The diabetic guy who died because he couldn't afford the electricity to keep the fridge in which kept his insulin?
Reposted byAvatar Peter John H
You know what you need to do today? VOTE!
100% Spot on Dixie
They spaffed it all up the wall on private contractors in the NHS as an example. HS2 contractors, Atos, Maximus, Serco etc..all private contractors. Private sector pockets have been filled with government gold, while the public sector sent up white flags begging for help.
I need to get my fat ass out of bed and walk the dawgs. Collect my parcels from the PO. And choose my togs for afternoon tea.
This man is wanted in connection for corruption and manslaughter by deception. GTTO Don’t vote Tory.
The face that launched more than a thousand deaths. Mr ‘let the bodies pile high’ Don’t vote Tory
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The face that launched more than a thousand deaths. Mr ‘let the bodies pile high’ Don’t vote Tory
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Let’s hope there’s mass firings in the government elections and something more fairer and equal comes to pass. GTTO
Day two of a four day stretch and I’m already knackered.
Awake early Junior Football or more like free for all. I love my work even the snotty kids. Have a great day my fellow skeeters. You only get one go at this living lark. Enjoy it while you can. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The only way not to get hurt is to pull up the drawbridge. 😭😭😭😭
2 phone calls regarding a working place at Glastonbury. Too late guys I’m pimped out to work at football Saturday and cricket Sunday. #needmorenotice
While they lied people died. GTTO
In a national crisis, a pandemic, the Conservative's first instinct was to enrich themselves and their mates, stashing billions from the public purse,then flouting their own laws partying the nights away,whilst leaving the elderly to die. #neverForget #votetactically #GTTO
Reposted byAvatar Peter John H
In a national crisis, a pandemic, the Conservative's first instinct was to enrich themselves and their mates, stashing billions from the public purse,then flouting their own laws partying the nights away,whilst leaving the elderly to die. #neverForget #votetactically #GTTO
Good morning you lovely lot. Have a hot horny day. I have a day free now what to do?
I love you all today 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Can someone cum and do my stat Mand training. It’s so boring.
Look what just came in the post addressed to me a lifelong Labour supporter. Christ CCHQ must be very desperate 😂😂😂😂😂💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Kurdish is very fucked up over his sexuality. And tbh I can’t blame him for being so. Love is love. We shall be forever friends with extras thrown in. Tbh I don’t care because he’s all mine and his love just oozes out when we’re together.
I have the dreaded early morning charity run taking a patient to hospital. It’s going to be eyes and teeth type of run. These poor folk don’t see anyone from one week to the next.