
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
The entire process by which Hitler took power is astounding. A man who lost the election became, within months, the sole dictator of a nation.
And ppl might’ve also forgotten that he wrote MEIN KAMPF WHILE IN PRISON for wait for it…. A FAILED COUP
But he had a dedicated cult that was willing to do anything to help him take and hold power. Just like Trump.
Not “But”. “And”.
Yeah, I meant that was how someone could accomplish such a thing. By any normal standards, it sounds impossible that such a thing could happen. Hitler and his thugs bullied their way into power. Just like Mussolini. And just like MAGA is doing, with the help of far-right oligarchs.
In effect, Hitler used a loophole, taking what was a "harmless, ceremonial" office, and through a few clever tweaks, turning it into a place of actual power.
For a comparable path, imagine Trump was appointed as the Sergeant at Arms for the House of Representatives, only for a bill to be passed, making him the next in line in case the President dies. And then the president happening to die a few days later.