
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
We appear to be on track for fascism and totalitarism. We need a massive turnout this year to block it. The more people who come to the polls, the bigger the win for democracy. Make your plan now to vote. Involve your neighbors. Make sure your family votes. One person. One vote. Bring it the polls.
That still might not help. Trump will claim fraud, the courts, right up to the Supreme court, will back him.
That's the problem. Until today, I was fairly sure the SCOTUS wouldn't back an attempt to throw out an election. That operating assumption is dead.
That was my point. I'm seriously hoping for Trump's death before the election. It's probably the only way to stop him now.
To the CIA/Secret Service agents reading this, hoping for his death is not the same as suggesting or endorsing someone goes out and kills him.
To anyone else reading this, I do not suggest or endorse the idea of going out and killing Trump.
I mean that’s basically what happened in Bush v Gore, just with more technicalities
Then Biden needs to openly oppose the genocide in Gaza
The entire process by which Hitler took power is astounding. A man who lost the election became, within months, the sole dictator of a nation.
And ppl might’ve also forgotten that he wrote MEIN KAMPF WHILE IN PRISON for wait for it…. A FAILED COUP
On the upside, since the States appears to be refraining from putting Trump in prison, we won't have another long diatribe on the advantages of fascism any time soon. Though, tbf, even in jail I'm not sure Trump would be able to write a boook.
Depends on how many crayons he is given
This feels adjacent to the monkeys and Shakespeare assertion
He'd get it ghost written just like all the others.
Yep, of course a dictator only dictates
I see what you did there.
Dude can't even /read/ a book. That's less of an issue now that it's possible to tweet in all caps from the prison toilet.
But he had a dedicated cult that was willing to do anything to help him take and hold power. Just like Trump.
Not “But”. “And”.
Yeah, I meant that was how someone could accomplish such a thing. By any normal standards, it sounds impossible that such a thing could happen. Hitler and his thugs bullied their way into power. Just like Mussolini. And just like MAGA is doing, with the help of far-right oligarchs.
In effect, Hitler used a loophole, taking what was a "harmless, ceremonial" office, and through a few clever tweaks, turning it into a place of actual power.
don't worry, i just need those laws until things are getting better... all those checks and things are just hindering me working... you know, it will all be bestest when i am... dictator
"We agree." ~ millions of 'freedom-loving' 'small-government' 'conservatives' who 'just want the government to leave people alone'
...i mean, i did just do what they told me to. dunno what you mean... wrong?
My father honestly believes this and I nothing I say can get the logic through this thick skull :/
...many germans believed that Hitler would help making their shitty lives better. and he did - for some... "true" germans profited a loooot from what was taken from the "not so germans" - that was one thing that made it so hard to oppose...
...and "those" not so german people were never.... "real people" anyway.... you know... "we germans are much better than them... so we should have the good stuffs"
...your father sadly will see in time. a totalitarian regime is great!!!! ...if you happen to be on the "right" side of things
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
“German judges did not challenge the law. They viewed Hitler's government as legitimate and continued to regard themselves as state servants who owed him their allegiance and support.” (From the Holocaust Encyclopedia)
SCOTUS gave rebirth to totalitarianism today. I wish the 6 who made this possible to never sleep again. Lay awake. Try to beg forgiveness for what they have wrought to end democracy.
For that, they would need to have a consciousness, values, & decency; but if they had tose, they wouldn’t have given trump a free hand. But I’m right there with you!
lets see whats six months from now o shit
“6 months later, it was a totalitarian state”. History repeating itself? We, the American people, of the non-MAGAt variety, have a log work to do to avoid us turning into Nazi Germany Zwei. Time for all of us to start taking action. Including King Biden.🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
SCOTUS made Biden king, he damn well better start acting like one or the next President/king will be our last. But SCOTUS knows Biden won't be king - they're counting on that. And they know - and count on - Trump going well beyond king. But I don't grok the endgame. What happens when Donnie dies?
Let’s hope Donnie dies soon, one way or another.
The Qult will never let go of him. They'll put him in a glass sarcophagus like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Mar-A-Lago will become a shrine.
His successor, Jr., is already set to take the mantle, after him.
I really don't think Jr. has the personality to engage the base like his father does.
It’s difficult to say this (because I think trump is a moron) but I don’t think anyone else could replicate his oily “charismatic” personality. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
Now that I think about it, they don’t even need for Trump to be physically alive anymore - they just need Trump, and considering how the talk about AI is going…
AND... the Enabling Act was followed 15 months later by the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler killed or imprisoned *other Nazis* he saw as rivals or dangers to his power. Perhaps someone should remind Republicans about that.
Trump is infamous for his disloyalty and throwing supporters under the bus. He learned that from his dad, who learned it from his mentor, you know who.