
Predicting a lot of people entering the "what if firearms" space in the near future and...please don't do that before you've done a bunch of other stuff first (medical, friends, etc).
that said, folks are around, folks who you know, who will establish comms over signal and then teach you how to be safe in the space. but don't do this from a place of out and out fear.
Don't assume things like Signal are going to survive; it's too dependent on servers operated by a US-based organization
consider this me putting down a marker that Signal will survive until at least Jan 21, 2025. post above is not addressing contingencies past that but rather the possibility of an incoming wave of people left-ish into gun stuff.
Before you enter the "What if firearms" space, you absolutely need to enter the "What if regular gun range" space, the "what if safe storage" space among others, & I think if people thought more concretely about those spaces they might enter the other spaces instead.
Yeah this is why engaging with people in a sort of lead up into the space is important. People buying a gun, stashing it, and never learning it is depressingly common
I just unfollowed a fairly big, respected account here, because she was crowing about having guns to survive potential ill intent of her right-wing neighbors, in a way that encouraged her followers to do the same. She blocked me when I raised concern.
eh, i'm not going to oppose people arming up, but i do want them to do so in a way that isn't manifestly dangerous. that said, takes more than just one person barricaded up to do something meaningful. solo prepper shit is not viable.
ok i looked at the interaction that prompted this and i think you jumped in a weird way. and i will restate - i am not opposed to people arming up. they should do so sensibly. and with the prework I mention above.
I have absolutely no interest in having guns on my person, as (a) adding even one gun to a situation vastly increases the probability of someone getting hurt or killed, and (b) having a gun on me vastly increases the probability of someone thinking "he's a threat, I'd better blow his head off."
i certainly understand that perspective and I hope you will grant some understanding to those who are threatened with lethal force and choose to defend themselves and others with the same. no one is getting conscripted. but some of those people are your allies.
People who fear the gun dont understand the gun.