
Sidenote, but I really hate this tendency with certain atheists to act as though certain religions are inherently better or worse than others. Like, basically every religion - regardless of what its holy texts say - has at some point been used to justify oppression and extreme violence.
they literally tried this already
Religion in general is a tool of influence and control like any other. The morals of its adherents have less to do with the tool itself, and more to do with who wields it.
Like, you could have a religion who's core holy texts espoused the virtues of giving hugs to puppies, eating your veggies, and staying hydrated, and it'd likely *still* inevitably be used by evil people to do - or compel others to do - evil things
the subset of atheists that constantly sympathises with christianity (and often buys into bigoted ideas pushed by the bible) is one of the most annoying groups of people, theyre an actual embarrassment