Intentionally Blank

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Intentionally Blank

Existential Hedonist
Upside down 😢 We study history so as not to repeat its mistakes - we hope….
I will not countenance any serious modification of SCOTUS that does not include the appointment of Barrack Obama. He should also oversee the 5th circuit.
Who says progressives can’t focus on a single issue? Did anyone notice that the distraction machine has not had all the attention for a few days? It’s been really nice. Thank you, President and non-felon Joe Biden for your predictably poor performance. The left is talking about good things.
The plural of hibiscus is hibiscuses or hibisci. If I say the former, one of the cats invades my lap. I’ve taken to calling them roses mallow. 🌱
SCOTUS decision on Chevron doctrine will be a problem long after both presidential candidates are dust and that stupid debate has been forgotten. Like Citizens United, this will cast a very long and dark shadow.
Cardoon in an assortment of bloom stages. These reach up above the understory an create a bulge in the contour of the bug-o-sphere, making clouds of undulating pollinators visible from afar without the assistance of telescopic lenses or special mushrooms.
🌱 Anise hyssop enjoying early summer in the hoop house. It’s kinda taking over but I’ll murder it to make room for the fall greens.
Scorched calendula takes on the hue of the mid-morning sun. Everything moves on except the ants, waiting for bacteria to prevail over the roots. The life in the bloom pales in comparison to the galaxies of interaction in the soil. Buy a microscope.
Scorched calendula takes on the hue of the mid-morning sun. Everything moves on except the ants, waiting for bacteria to prevail over the roots. The life in the bloom pales in comparison to the galaxies of interaction in the soil. Buy a microscope.
4 O’clocks in the morning. 🌱 Mirabilis Jalapa
Sea holly (Eryngium planum) just starting to bloom. Keeping the pollinators happy deeper into the season. 🌱
Found in a neglected cellar. Some of it turned to vinegar but this one is very nice.
I kept swimming upstream, clamping shut my gills, to get beyond the death stink. When I passed the discharge pipe at Bretton Woods, the waters smelled different but were every bit as toxic. Why continue? Laughter produces painkillers. It’s best to make fun or we’d all prefer the hemlock.
Breaking news: Prices rose 3.3 percent in the year ending in May, as inflation hasn’t returned to normal despite a long battle to wrestle it down.
Inflation eases slightly as Fed debates rate The latest snapshot will get a close study by central bankers as they wrap up their two-day policy meeting Wednesday.
Yarrow make me lose my mind..🌱
There’s a good application for AI. Once we teach it to not generate nonsense, it can troll our own words when we talk out of our ass. “AI added context it thought humans might want to know.”
The first time I made a phone call, I had to put my finger in a hole for that number/letter and pull the wheel clockwise until it stopped and the let go. This was repeated 6 times. When we remembered a number for someone, it was a word and 5 numbers. The word told your race and income level.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
Yucca gloriosa, and look at the moth (Tegeticula yuccasella) and read about these little guys. Insects that are so specific to the host plant are amazing. Nature is lit. 🌱
Flowers tell me things. Cactus tell me things that poke at me a little. 🌱
Apple tree in garden had early spongy moth caterpillar attack and I broke down and used Sevin. Then all the oaks get stripped by a horrid outbreak. Spongy moth now in collapse by viral and fungal vectors. Monocultures are fragile. Diversity thrives. Trust nature. Pride message. 🌱
Wife’s photos are supremely advantaged by equipment and operator over anything I ever collect. 🌱
Gypsophila elegans. Trying the be understated in the understory. 🌱
Flowers, larkspur, coriopsis, lavender, California poppy, in the foreground and a lilac bouncer in the background. And weeds, plenty of soil protecting weeds. 🌱
Some of the coreopsis showing up to Cosmos’ party early. 🌱