
The fact this happened in October and we're just learning about it now suggests there are atrocities being committed in Gaza right now that we won't learn about for months or even years in addition to the ones we see happening with our own eyes
Rights group says Israeli strike on Gaza building killed 106 in apparent war Human Rights Watch says an Israeli strike on an apartment building in Gaza last October killed at least 106 civilians, including 54 children.
Remember this from five months ago
Did nobody consider the end point of this logic??? That at some point the conflict had to end, and the longer it continued without any pause to reflect on it, the worse the aftermath would be.
They may have hoped that if they continued long enough, there would be few or no witnesses left and most of the evidence would be destroyed.
Or they may have decided that the world's scorn couldn't return life and land to dead Palestinians, so killing as many as possible for as long as possible was worth whatever bad feeling they'd engender.