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I like to think I reskeet art and shitposts but I'm addicted to politics
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
they literally steal the gnomes from your lawn then a while later send an old lady with a trunk full of pristine-condition restored lil lawn guys to drop 'em off like it's a drug deal. breaking bombadil. ocelawn's eleven. mission gnompossible. it's so good.
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
taking a moment to remember lindsay lohan’s touching tribute to arizona’s maverick senator
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
AI is the only tech that gets exponentially more expensive as it improves. The industry is predicated first on the assumption that it will break through at some point and create God. Everything else flows from that.
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
Bookmarking this skeet for the next time I need an example of why commas matter
all of these guys are, deep inside, that bird
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
How xenophobic content on Chinese social media, directed towards Japan, the US, Jews, and others, became the subject of a debate and spreads despite censorship (Li Yuan/New York Times) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
Happy Fourth of July! No, I have no idea what's going on from this parade float either.
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
出門想去咖啡廳坐坐,但是喜歡的店家沒營業 不過路邊的夏日似乎正盛開
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
[guy who is very unfamiliar with the democratic party] well, surely somebody will do something about this
Winning in November just became even more important and anyone who tells you that isn't possible is working for the opposition.
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
It’s customary to say, “Tada!” if you stumble upon a dead magician.
It's one friend, Michael. How much could it cost?
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
man I cannot keep up with the amount of people going insane on this website i am so far behind
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
we should have one day a month where thousands of people follow a randomly-selected lowbie to watch every second one lose their mind
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
absolutely gutted. just learned that it's possible to live life without regrets. i've been doing it wrong this whole time
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
democracy is a beautiful thing
absolutely gutted. just learned that it's possible to live life without regrets. i've been doing it wrong this whole time
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
Gordon ramsey should do a show where he hires a bunch of 5 year olds to come up with dishes for a restaurant, and then goes apeshit at actual cooks to make those dishes in a real restaurant. All screaming "those hashbrowns need a skittle inside each one you fucking slobs!"
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche
the compassion and healing tentacles of an ohmu would fix me
post an image that people will hear when they see It
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
getting ahead of the curve by workshopping several new types of males. keep your eyes out out for the kappa, iota, and mu males coming this autumn
the incels have expanded the whole “alpha male/beta male” thing to now include “gamma males” and buddy. that’s just The Incredible Hulk
Reposted byAvatar Carpinche