
That kicky red top was such a great look for Shiera.
Yeah it's arguable since she's never called Hawkgirl in the story, but she does love flying immediately which is so cute... I'm not sure which appearances you mean, but she did retain a steady presence as Hawkgirl in the later part of Flash Comics, even getting some cool moments
Yeah. In an ideal world there would always be a clear difference between Shiera (human) and Shayera (Thanagarian). Shiera, brown hair, red costume, different mask. Shayera, red hair, yellow costume. This gets VERY VERY mixed up from around the 90s onward until sometimes they're drawn identical
She kept the look into the late stage of Flash Comics where she got the reduced mask too.
I do like that there is some color-coding to the Hawkfemmes: Shiera is red, Shayera is yellow (and later blue) and Kendra is green.
Shayera had a lot of colors post-Hawkworld, black, gold, red... As long as the brief JSA era in the early 90s persisted they did manage to keep Shiera's colors fairly consisted (even if her mask design drifted towards the Thanagarian look). But later? Oh boy.
Oh, I'm familiar with the various fashion disasters of the Hawks.
I was more just referring to how after her demise, Shiera increasingly got drawn with Shayera's costume design even in retro stories! Like this is the final really good Shiera story, IMO, and it just has the silver age Shayera costume on the cover. At least they remembered her hair should be brown!
how are her boobs not flying out of this top