Comrade Bullski

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Comrade Bullski

Freelance writer, editor, reviewer and (sometimes) artist. I write about comics, cartoons, pop culture and anything else that interests me. Resident of the land of ice and snow.
With all the comic news yesterday I feel like this got ignored. Larry Hama has been struggling with medical problems and, from what I’ve gathered, still really depends on gigs to survive financially. His ability to draw is being taken away. He’s a living legend and badass. Deserves better.
I think that the possibly uncomfortable truth is that the X-Men family of titles were built on two cornerstones: A team that's also close friends/family and are much closer knit than your average businesslike superhero team. And Cool fights. YMMV but these are my essentials
I know it's been retconned endlessly but I love the idea that the whole mutant hate thing in the Marvel Universe got started because this one racist asshole who isn't even a biologist got his awful editorial cartoons published in one newspaper and then wrote some fanfic about it.
I think a lot about what Rosenberg said about keeping your social media presence either as a professional portfolio or as a way to air out your personal opinions and grievances. And I especially think about how many comics professions blur that line constantly and post tons of personal stuff.
Two titles which have given the wives, spouses and partners of the JSA their due are the Doctor Fate run that had Inza don the helmet and prove to be an amazing Fate and All-Star Squadron which prominently featured Shiera as Hawkgirl as a core member in the first half of the run, without Carter
I would love to see Joan get fleshed out in her own run at some point. She certainly deserves more love and attention.
Okay friends. Because people liked the discussion about the 1989 and 1996 Avengers poll results I figured... why don't we have one right NOW? The poll is open until Monday, so make your voice heard! Quotes and retweets appreciated, naturally. 1/
Big Two creators who talk about how people misunderstand the point of Watchmen and how Alan Moore is right and then go ahead and create gritty reimaginings of cute characters and comics where long-time superheroes get dismembered are an interesting kind of energy to me.
Blood Hunt: A bunch of cartoonishly evil monsters without morals seek to plunge the world into eternal darkness for their ancient bloodsucking master. Absolute Power: Forces within the US government false flag and manipulate the media to achieve total control. I don't know which is more 2024
My condolences to all my US followers. Not sure what else I can say and even less we can do from over here.
Describing a comic written by the excellent as "very VERY horny" was not what I expected to do this week and yet here we are. For the record that's not a bad thing!
Many comics creators being exclusively here while comics fandom is largely on the other place has created a weird separation anxiety that I'm not sure how to deal with.
Avatar Currently revisiting Spectre (2001) which you did with the much missed Norm Breyfogle. Another beautiful and profound comic that deserves a deluxe reprint.
Big thanks to everybody who wished me well yesterday! You all rock!
I suppose it's my birthday. Even more of an excuse to laze about today. Not been a fantastic few weeks since my job ended but I do appreciate all of you greatly for listening to my nonsense. It's been an interesting spring.
And he wrote WARP, one of my favorite comics. He will be missed.
RIP Peter B Gillis, writer of many, many brilliantly odd comics, including my favourite runs of Defenders and Dr Strange
Letting my emotions get the better of me online is a rare but unfortunate occurrence. "Comics will ruin your life" and all that. But time to do better and be the bigger person.
INZA NELSON - WOMAN CALLED FATE From a timeline where Zero Hour went very very differently and Inza ended up taking over the edgy 90's role normally held by Jared Stevens. Inza being one of my favorite DC characters there was no way I could resist this idea..
RE: Superhero ages at the big two (more specifically Marvel): Everyone is the age they're supposed to be for the story you're writing.
For those of you not on the Other Place anymore: My X-Men/Evangelion meme redraws so far. I started doing these when the final issues of Rise/Fall were hitting so they really are kind of of the moment. I think the Moira one is the best joke because there's a lot about that which just works.
I think I've come to accept that this place is only a life raft for me for now. I don't have the energy to devote to two social media platforms at once and pacing myself is hard. I do enjoy that a lot of creators hang out here and I can keep up with them, so I'll still watch it of course.
Avatar the worst take I've seen this morning "Rogue was ugly until Jim Lee made her hot all of a sudden" I don't even know where to begin.
I guess I'm reposting this here too. I can't draw for shit but I can sometimes produce some kind of super specific meme. Thus:
When I grew up I always took special notice of Big Two comics that were primarily set outside of the US. It was always interesting to at least see snippets of the world outside of one country, even though I realized most heroes were hanging out there. I would have loved Super Friends.
It was essentially a second JLA book pitched for kids, riding on the promotional value of the cartoon, and staying alive well after the cartoon ended. A much-ignored book, very good at what it was good at.
Having posted and thought way too much about the X-men recently made me remember an interesting conversation with regarding the implications of the X-Gene being introduced. At the time, it was an obscure trivia fact that hadn't been relevant or even confirmed for years
Avatar Do you mind if I send you a DM here or on the twixxter?
Strange to sit back and think of how much 's titles shaped my view of what a superhero comic should be. Alongside wonderful artists like George Perez, Mark Bagley, Sean Chen and Brent Anderson. That synthesis of new and old hat promised a bright future.