The Plodding Historian (Lisa)

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The Plodding Historian (Lisa)

Taking PhDing to new levels of avoidance, procrastination and delay, but, maybe this time, there is an end in sight. BlueSkying history, Musical Goddess Kate Ceberano and clouds. I do love clouds. Even though they are in The Outside. Which I don't like.
Wow. Can I have that 4% pay cut please? In actual fact, I’ve lost 65% of my income since #RheumatoidArthritis entered my life in a big way in January 2024.
I started reading the health chapter of the #Project2025 dossier. It’s The Handmaid’s Tale on steroids. Goal #4 was particularly interesting given what’s just come out about #AliceMunro & vile 2nd husband. And I could refute the claims within 5 minutes with a simple Google search.
Post something blue to brighten the skyline! Yes, I’m going to do this and then I’m not going to look at social media today as there is too much depressing stuff here. People are just so awful.
Post something blue to brighten the skyline!
It’s my #HistorianCynicism. 500 years between my research topic and now and all of see is the same rhetoric and the same lack of empathy and action from leaders and governments. The beginning of the pandemic in 2020 just proved for me that…
You know what I bloody hate about ? When they remove a film or a TV show from the store, it’s also removed from your Library so you can’t access it, despite paying for it! Bloody annoying! And the images at the show that I wanted to watch #JeevesAndWooster, but I can’t!
They just don’t realise how much more exciting the other three are. Commoners.
I’m about to take the medications that make me semi-functional & then come back to bed so I can have a little sleep while they get to work on me & then get ready for my shift tonight. And I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my bra on & off easily like last night. My life with #RheumatoidArthritis. 🥴
Hi gang. I’m traveling and waiting on dinner before returning to hotel to write like crazy. What are you doing and stuff?
To the tune of #BobEvans’ song, ‘Don’t Wanna Grow Up Any More’: 🎼 I just don’t wanna get up any more.
So frustrating. The people who put together the streaming version of the film, #TheHatingGame, have done a dreadful job on the background music is so loud you can barely hear the dialogue. This is throughout the whole movie. It’s not just on . Vol so high to hear dialogue
My first thought was, who cares. Especially as it’s in the kitty litter rag that is #TheAustralian .
Continuity in #TheDoctorBlakeMysteries. Season 4 we see the Doc getting his Mum‘s Diamond engagement ring fitted for Jean using her sapphire engagement ring. Season 5, she’s wearing the sapphire engagement ring. Tsk tsk
Yep, he’s a fuck wit, isn’t he? I better get off the socials. I’m in a mood. We’re meant to be here to share lovely things. Here is a lovely thing. Now all I want is a lamington. A raspberry one. It won’t help the RA, but it’ll make me feel better and possibly a little less grumpy. 🥴
My tummy just did a tummy grumble that sounded like a turkey. 🤭🤭 That’s a little joyous. Today I haven’t forgotten. Image: from the NGV triennial exhibition, a confession, “I have forgotten how to be joyous”. My goal for my #RestRecoveryResetYear is a little joy every day. Today’s joy; check! 🤗
I knew poor #QueenAnne had 17 pregnancies, but I didn’t realise that that was less than seven years. No wonder she was so ill. Her poor body never had a chance to recover in between all of those loses.
Ditto. Bloody bladder demanded attention around 4am. So out of it I had to turn the light on. Turning the lights on is death knell for getting back to sleep. Luckily, today is my Sunday.
The perils of being an expert in something that a historical novel utilises, wrongly. I’m pleased to say, I just read a historical novel set the time and place I am very familiar with and it was absolutely fabulous. The author even went so far to write in the language style of 16th-century France!
It looks like it’s a lying on the couch watching #TheGoldenGirls kinda day. I don’t feel bad. I did my laundry yesterday. I’ll make my bed later, #CleanSheetsNight. And I’ve had a really hectic March. What am I saying? It’s been a really hectic and painful start to the year. #RheumatoidArthritis
Please please please let me win this competition, #INGDirectAus! It would be a big help after $4k of my savings gone in medical bills in the space of 5 weeks. And of course, at that time of year, when all the big bills come in as well. And having to resign from my 2nd job. #WinningKarma🤞🏻
I just want to finish reading and start another book from my TBR pile for the week, but I did too much yesterday and my right hand is just a sore, achy mess. Why did the #RheumatoidArthritis have to attack my right hand, my doing things hand, the worst? Bloody bastard!!
NO CHEATING. Your last saved celebrity picture is your therapist, who is it? Does Anne of Cleeves count as a celebrity? Given her success following her lucky extraction from marriage to the vile Old Tosser, I think she would be a good therapist.
Sleepy and sore. P!nk was awesome, but my gods I’m feeling the impact throughout my #RevoltingBody.
So unsettled this morning. Woke up in the wee small hours, as has been usual, over last couple of months with all this #RheumatoidArthritis biz. Trying to get some sleep & rest in preparation for Melbourne trip tomorrow. Can’t settle brain. Dozing state keeps taking me to weird dreamscapes.
I just… I’m so sorry that happened. I hope your new school was a hell of a lot better.
Very interesting article on #KeirStarmer in the @newstatesman. It sounds to me like he could be the slow, focussed, for everyone leader that the Tory-annihilated UK needs.
#TheMarvels is rather dull and uninspiring. But I LOVED the use of Barbra Streisand’s ‘Memory’.
Noooooooo!!! Stuart is not allowed to get back with Irene. She is awful!! This better end up with her, leaving again. Or at least been kicked out of the family home. #SaveBertieFromHisAwfulMother #ScotlandStreet #AlexanderMcCallSmith
I’ve been out of the house twice now since last Wednesday. Yesterday outing, I spy a camel in the free postcards rack. And bugger me if there isn’t a bloody camel book on the returns trolley tonight. Ever since #TheBrother did his #TheCamelTrek, it’s been #BloodyCamelsEverywhere!