
thinking about how, in a strange irony, it's now a thousand times harder to get a person's physical signature on a physical document than it was 100 or even 20 years ago because everyone is so used to signing things instantly and virtually that they get mad if you even mention an actual paper form
"why do you need my signature??" to prove that it was actually you who did all these things "im giving you verbal permission!" thank you! that will not hold up if there is any kind of problem in the future "how am i supposed to mail it back?? i can't wait that long and i don't even own stamps!!!"
meanwhile people in all our old records are like "sign and mail it? okey dokey! hell i'll just stop by and sign it in person!"
i can't tell you what a mindfuck it is to be able to go through 200 years of documents and see exactly how things were done then compared to how they're done now
I can mindfuck myself, and usually not in a good way, by remembering how things were done 35-40 years ago. I shudder to think of what 200 years ago would be like. :D
i am doing so much more work than the person who had my job 100 years ago and i'm not even making that much more money comparatively
Lot of that going around these days.
most people can't see it right there in front of them like we can :(