
The entire thing needs to be shipped to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. If the scurrilous rich folk have any redeeming qualities left, they'd pay for this to happen and bask in wings named after them (and the write-offs). But, alas.
They should really set a fundraising goal to do just that. A lot of people who could never travel there would probably throw 5 or 10 dollars or more towards having the hardware sent to another museum instead of sold off to speculators.
They should really do this, whatever remaining debts they have should be included in the fundraising so they can do it in good conscience
While it’s terrible that the Seattle museum is closing down, they really did not have a very rare collection at all. It was great to see and nostalgic but not historic. This is nothing like the Mountain View collection.
“while this thing you’re lamenting is terrible, it really wasn’t hot shit” maybe, I don’t know, respond like that?