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Helping people create and build
Still faster than my dial up internet growing up
There are videoconferencing camera systems out there in a White House ewaste bin or DC warehouse that have seen top secret things like osamas body, or North Korean missle sites — and you’re laughing?!?
Honey, did you remember to water the driveway, garage and fence?
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
liberal gays are so precious about losing their corporate parades and other comforts that most queer ppl in the world have never enjoyed. but the struggle and conflict they wish to avoid never ended. instead of pearl-clutching your privilege, help build strong communities that are prepared to fight.
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Airport shuttle driver for Avis didn’t let anyone bring their own bag onto the bus, he did them all. Had two 50lb dumb bells at the front and a resistance band on one of the upper hand rails. Getting paid to work out. New level of boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
babe wake up it’s time for your daily overwhelming far right victory in europe
Why do they use ‘cherry picking’ as a way to say that someone is arguing in bad faith, lazily and not doing any real work to produce their data? It’s actually really difficult and time consuming to get the most and generally good cherries cause the trees are so tall and branches so thin 🍒
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
I think when you open a perfectly ripe avocado you should win a little award
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
finally get guys who rub their finger around in their belly button, there's a lot of interesting stuff in there
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
Clarence Thomas the last 20 years: 2005 - Chevron is correct 2005-2024 - receives $4 million in secret gifts from real estate developers and polluters and other right-wingers who’ve made reversing Chevron one of their highest priorities 2024 - Chevron is wrong
LLMs can be actually useful when they are used to cleanly erase watermarks from services that ‘lock’ your pictures behind them. Stock photos, theme parks etc
Coppa di Testa, Salami Picanti, Mozarella and Gabagool Sandwich
Noticed there was a fairly big immigrant populace in Burbank area now, more than I remember from years ago. Great. Did a Google maps search for ‘ATM’… not many plain ones, but Crypto/Bitcoin ATMs? Everywhere!! More than I’ve ever seen, some small strip malls have 2! I guess there’s demand there 😅
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
Still true: Biden's age, isn't about Biden's age. Biden's age, is about Kamala's skin. There are millions of folk that think that stopping Trump is the most important thing in the world... but also think, "Wait a minute! If Biden can't finish his term, that Black woman gets to be president!"
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected])hachyderm.io Still true: Biden's age, isn't about Biden's age. Biden's age, is about Kamala's skin. There are millions of Americans that unironically think that stopping Trump is the most important thing in the w...
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9 www.motor1.com/features/724...
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to Bewww.motor1.com I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
advice for labeller runners: moderation is COMPOSABLE, you don't need to run a service that figures out EVERYTHING for EVERYONE or you will lose your mind you don't need to fix everything for every minority group all at once if you know furries or trans people, stick to that
Reposted byAvatar FakeAndres
correct, we forgot it in a refactor lol
I just spoke to Paul Musgrave, unfortunately, if you are reading this - he said he left the site specifically because of YOU!
‘Breakfast’ if American food Hegemony is allowed to proceed unchecked