
It's interesting to consider that no private corporation can possibly do really long term projects. Profit is finite. Every private attempt at space travel will wither and die the moment the line no longer goes brrrr. Every private brain implant will eventually become a brick. etc.
A cyberpunk future is one of dead projects, abandonware, bricked implants and half-built abandoned megastructures. Fun fact: between 1953 and 2008, 253 nuclear reactors were supposed to be built in the US. Only a quarter were actually completed.
Only a quarter were finished building, and only *half* of those are still up and around. Objectively, the end result of the US push toward nuclear power was rusted rebar poking out of huge structures of half-poured concrete, covered in graffiti.
SpaceX could *never* mount a long term program like Voyager. Or a martian mine. It'd fail even harder, faster, and more pathetically than the US nuclear program did.
The result would be a few scraps of long-dead electronics abandoned the moment the project stopped earning money. Hurtling dead through space or abandoned under an alien sky.
Look at vaccine development. There was once a human vaccine for lyme disease, it was killed a quarter century ago by anti-vaxxers destroying its profit margin.
Capitalism is incompatible with long-term, long-running projects. Picture someone's cochlear implant turning into a brick, forever.
Don't really have to imagine too hard...