
Phonagnosia is an interesting agnosia. You cannot identify or discriminate voices, but you can identify and process speech. You can hear a sentence, understand it, but have absolutely no idea if it was spoken by yourself, Barry White, or a 5 year old.
You know what the sentence said. You can tell whether the speaker mispronounced something. But their voice, itself, is utterly unknown. You can't describe it, emulate it, identify it, etc.
A person with phonagnosia can be entirely unaware of it, like color-blindness. They may develop strategies for identifying speakers through characteristic rhythms, dialects, word choices, etc, and just think this is how you identify speakers.
It's basically the auditory equivalent of prosopagnosia. Voice-deafness. You may be able to hear and understand a musical verse, but have no idea whether it was sung by a man or woman, famous person or a child.
A form of phonagnosia, associative phonagnosia, occurs when this extends beyond voices to other sound sources. You may be incapable of identifying what instrument Hendrix or Miles Davis are playing, yet be able to transcribe their notes perfectly.