
Have you ever felt like you have just had a capital E Epiphany? That you have just thought something of world-shaking importance, a life-alteringly transcendant thought? You can reproduce that feeling at will by zapping the superior temporal gyrus with a magnet.
The right hemisphere anterior superior temporal gyrus, to be exact. It's a bit above your right ear, it contains your Wernicke's area that you use to comprehend speech, and Brodmann area 22, where you process semantics and speech sounds.
That sense of epiphany, of having just thought a thought of revolutionary import, is basically your semantic processing momentarily being overwhelmed by excess associativity. Everything becomes a metaphor, everything seems to point to this one shining truth, etc.
It is kind of like a weird mirror counterpart to wernicke's aphasia. Opposite hemisphere (wernicke's is on the left side), very different effect. Your superior temporal gyrus is responsible for the cocktail party effect, why you can hear your own name at a lower volume, etc.
Anyway, imagine what happens if your ability to selectively filter shit, to selectively mute associative networks, just goes into reverse. For a brief moment, everything is connected to everything in shining illumination, each tiniest detail seemingly crystal clear, eh
That is the eureka effect, and it's easy to induce. Strap some magnets to your head and you could feel, right now, that you are having the most important thought you or anyone else has ever had in human history.
Coincidentally, what region do you think lights up like a christmas tree on an fMRI when someone is having cocaine thoughts?