
It is interesting that one of the things fascism destroys, deliberately, is the idea of a consensual reality. It purposely isolates its opponents into their own separate reality tunnels, bubbles, each fighting with each other while the boot crushes them.
we're past the Biden Event Horizon, where every opinion has an equal and opposite reaction. You're either too optimistic, too pessimistic, too lib-pilled, too tankie, too naive, too paranoid, too uninformed, too in-the-weeds...
The confusion is just as much the point as the cruelty.
Fascism needs its enemies fighting each other, threatening each other with it, propping it up to bludgeon each other with. The last thing a fascist wants is the white moderate to tell the communist "ok I still hate you but first we're gonna have to beat this nazi to death with a hammer"
This doesn't even have to be an intentional part of any fascist's thought, no one has to sit there thinking "ok how do I divide this community of people I want to kill?" Surprisingly little cointelpro fed shit is needed. It just kinda falls out of how humans form groups.
You can see in how people think about biden, a whole kaleidoscope of different positions of people who all in unison *absolutely fucking hate trump* And a good half will nonetheless tell the other half to enjoy the camps or accuse them of supporting trump, etc.
White moderates are, historically, the ones who will have to get out of their comfortable reality tunnels real fucking quick. It's their apathy, specifically, that enables fascism.
It's in the fascist's favor that the moment a white moderate *does* try to leave their bubble, they get totally confused and disoriented by extremely vigorous yet subtle group debates no one outside them is aware of.
YES. SO important. Orwell got it right. Two plus two is FIVE. The worst part really is when they get inside your head. That's the ultimate goal. And that's about oh more than half their control I'd say. Fear of actual violence, sure, but that comes later. Too many people already surrendered.
Did you mean consensus? 'Cause like, I didn't consent to this reality, but that's beside the point now.