
One problem with running on "look at how bad project 2025 is!" is that it is the culmination of 50 years of republican actions, single-mindedly dedicated to it. Republicans spent the last 50 years trying to do every single bullet-point in it, repeatedly.
Republicans would attempt one bullet point, and if it failed they didn't give a fuck. They'd try again next week, next month, next year. For 50 years.
Ask anyone marginalized, and they'll point to how for *them* a hell of a lot of project 2025 has already happened to them. That very scary bullet point you want to point out? It's already been a reality for a generation, for some people.
That's what happens when you have one party spending 50 years single-mindedly trying to enact legislation over and over and over and over again. It gets passed. Doesn't affect everyone, though, just the people whose politicians didn't think they were important.
In those 50 years of republicans' single-minded dedication to passing this legislation in any way possible, accepting the smallest wins as proof this dedication works, democrats have not *once* had a similar motivating force. 50 years of dedicated effort on one side, j/o gestures on the other.
Democrats had those same 50 years to be relentlessly dedicated to their own goals, to single-mindedly try to pass their own legislation, to accept even the smallest wins as validation and proof that they just need to keep pushing and eventually they'll get what they want. They didn't.
The result is that now, at the end of that 50 year process of laser-like dedication on the republican side, a *hell* of a lot of people the democrats would like to scare with project 2025 have already spent their entire lives living with the damned thing.
Liberals led themselves to believe that human progress always marches forward, no matter what, and that they are the stewards of that progress. Since they believe progress happens no matter who wins, winning hardly matters to them. They think they are highest achievable ideal, so they don't change.
This whole thread is spot on. I want to expand this part a bit. What’s happened for my entire life (~50 years) is the progressive Dems go “let’s do X” (health care, climate change, labor rights, etc) and centrist Dems leap to run interference for the GOP with cries of “but socialism!” Lather etc
But don't you understand, once we defeat Trump in November, everything will be good forever after! /s
Also Democrats do half of them, including several right now
The guy they're running spent those 50 years building every tool the republicans need
moderate Democrats believe we need a strong Republican party and became the change they wanted to see in the world
The big problem is that the Dem's haven't done shit to combat it.
Initially with politicians who were lying to them about it, they didn't get true believers widely elected until about 2000.
It’s that Trump was so bad in the first term, that he stole medicine from sick people in an emergency and then went to war with the USA almost murdering the V.P. That’s with a mix of incompetent staff and adults trying to check his worst instincts.