💩 Poster, Poster of 💩.

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💩 Poster, Poster of 💩.


This account is for 💩-posting and generally being a Carlin-esque anti-social crank. You have to have gone out of your way to have gotten on my bad side.
I find it difficult to accept that America can do no better than two mentally deranged fascists competing for the right to aid genocide.
Might as well release this comic for the holiday. A rare nose and ears comic mostly because I wanted to draw Ringo like that.
Couldn't shake the idea of Charlie as Ringo and now I've drawn this.
It's hilarious how you point out that somebody didn't say what others are accusing him/her of and the blithering dumb dumbs automatically assume you're a sock puppet because they can't comprehend anyone else disagreeing with their bull poo.
A new audience for ol' Jo
Satan got himself some O.J. this week.
It’s Irresponsible And Dangerous To Fearmonger About Anything. Except Masks And Lockdowns And Fearmongers.
After years of neglect, an overreliance on programmatic advertising, and predation by private equity firms, the industry is but a desiccated husk of its former self, crawling toward death with nothing and no one but The Onion to save it.
Help Slow The Demise Of Media With The Onion’s Annual Click Drivewww.theonion.com Back when it was a great, respected, and profitable business, journalism employed thousands of reporters who worked tirelessly to cover interesting and important stories from around the globe. But now...
that folx who wanted it dismantled are not satisfied by that fait accompli but are now fighting to eliminate every trace of its scientific AND ideological basis 🤷‍♀️😔 7/7
wants to be a Good Person despite joining the group now acquiescent to laissez-faire eugenics +also, wants to be able to pretend to himself internally that he is making good decisions. so it's interesting how even after completely dismantling public health as a noble/sensible practice 6/7
themselves and/or protecting ppl around them. why? it's apparent imo. he knows that *not being protective* - despite that this is majority behavior of late - is viewed realistically by a segment of folx as /being uncaring, reckless, antisocial/ he wants to have cake +eat it 5/?
they're removed from public *for his convenience* (at scale, for the convenience of every other hubristic person who thinks public health is privatizable) BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. no, he needs them to disappear *harder* his sensibilities are offended by every instance he sees of folx protecting 4/?
the group is for folx who've been told by society (by this dude in macrocosm) "i don't believe the bad things will happen to ME so im not gonna do simple things to protect the rest of y'all" so this group he maligns is actually, weirdly enough, *doing what he wants* they're removed from public 3/?
when i checked the profile, dude's latest was a screenshot of a 'still coviding' meet-up announcement which he described mockingly/concern-trollingly as ~ 'traumatized ppl soaking in their trauma' but this group ONLY EXISTS bc of ppl like this dude it's necessitated by society-wide denial 2/?
had an interesting/illustrative drive-by interaction with a dude who's very focused on denigrating covid caution even as he insists it's unnecessary now, for what other disease prevention is this done? do ppl try +convince others not to eat well, not to pursue good sleep, etc? lol ofc not. 1/?
Adding people to lists like "bigot" or "Nazis" should be done only when they make unambiguously bigoted and Nazi statements. Adding people simply for disagreeing with you on a given topic is not only wrong and incorrect; it cheapens the very terms "bigot" and "Nazi."
Resistance Is Useless, Says Epidemiologist
BREAKING: CDC Announces It’s Stepping Down To Spend More Time With Its Family, Says “My Work Is Done Here”.
New comic on Patreon! www.patreon.com/posts/lin-ma... Subscribe to see the full comic! Also subscribe to see me footage of me doing the Charleston against my will.
Don’t Worry Your Little Head. If Repeat Covid Infections Lower Your Intelligence, You Can Top It Up With Artificial Intelligence Instead.