
Reminder to close your windows and blinds during the daylight/hottest hours. Try to trap as much cool air inside as you can. I know most houses in the PNW weren’t built for heat, so blocking as much sunlight as you can helps to keep them cooler. If your house has a basement and forced air, turn your
System to fan, it will suck the the cooler air from the basement and distribute throughout the house. If you only have ac in a few rooms putting the house fan system on circulate can also help keep things cooler. Also if you have AC, please is it! Even just keeping your house below 80 can help. Fans
when the house is above 80 inside don’t help much, but drop it even slightly below 80, and they can get the job done! If you do at some point upgrade you cooling system, and you have two stories, put the AC upstairs but keep your whole house fan system. Those together can cool a whole house. Also
Remember it is better to keep your system running all day on 75-80 instead of just running it at night at 68-70. It takes way more energy to drop a hot house down to those cooler temps, then just letting the system cool it slightly all day. Trust me if there isn’t a strong cooling breeze outside,
keep those windows closed until it gets cooler outside than inside your home. In the islands, homes are built for hot, there are lots of fans and shutters built in to the designs. Alone with windows you can open at the top and bottoms, heat goes out the top and cool through the bottom. PNW are not
built to keep things cool. More modern houses are but the older ones not so much. Also check your air quality inside your house. The worse the air quality the hotter you will feel. Even a box fan with a filter strapped to it will help you feel cooler & breath better. Ok shutting up now, stay safe!