
Was talking about covid with some colleagues during lunch and a very funny moment happened. New American colleague: I wear a mask, so you probably know what that means. Me: no, I don't. What does it mean? Her: it means I am a progressive democrat. Back in the US, I voted for the democratic party.
Me: I still don't get what being a "progressive" has to do with masking. Conservatives and rightwing types in Japan wear masks everywhere. Same, here in the Netherlands. Her: *totally confused* Me: okay, let me phrase it like this: what does your wearing a mask have to do with your politics?
Her: I just thought that it's obvious. You wear a mask and vaccinate if you're a democrat and you hate masks and vaccines if you're a republican. At that point, other non American colleagues were just kinda confused.
One colleague from Hong Kong told her his parents are pretty conservative, but still wear masks everywhere. They also believe in vaccines. So he was also kinda lost by her statement. I have always struggled to understand why white American progressives tie certain things to their progressiveness.
You're not automatically a "progressive" or a "good" person because you wear a fucking mask. I wear a mask too. So what? I get that Americans politicise everything and use random topics to drive a wedge amongst themselves, but if you leave the US, also leave that mentality back home.
All US Dems are “performative”