
Oh I didn't know they changed their name to the Centers for Distribution of Covid
Americans who test positive for the coronavirus no longer need to routinely stay home from work and school for five days under new guidance planned by the CDC.
CDC plans to drop five-day covid isolation People with covid will be able to return to school, work and society if they have been fever-free for 24 hours and their symptoms are mild and improving.
It's a good thing we have all those effective treatments for long covid and nobody is dying from this disease anymore, otherwise this would be social murder /s
The piece quotes Michael Osterholm as supporting this policy change. Osterholm thus continues his unbroken streak of never being right about anything. I feel like Covid prevention measures have just been kneecapped.
The people who got the biggest platform were consistently wrong. They first promised herd immunity, then vaxx immunity (or conversely went anti-vaxx and said the vaccine did nothing), hybrid immunity, exit wave after exit wave that did not materialize but just killed and disabled people.
All that is true. But the biggest protection we have is and has always been vaccines. The real problem is not that they’re imperfect but that the uptake is ridiculously low.
I was encouraged today by my wife's physician. She was in for a diabetes checkup and mentioned we're headed to help her brother Saturday after his open-heart surgery tomorrow. He asked if we both had Covid-19, influenza, and RSV vaccines (yes).
At my yearly physical my doctor asked me in a ridiculously hesitant way if I’d had theCovid booster-as if he thought that might offend me or something. Jeez.
It’s like a twilight zone episode This has really reached me after thinking we had hit rock bottom, something has gone wrong with the brains of people who have had Covid, either dangerous passivity or inability to integrate the reality of what has happened to them
Wow... Who cares if you spread this to someone else and they die. 😐
Oh yes. Starting out as high risk, I learned super quickly that I am not important and never have been if it makes "the masses" happy and "behave."
Maybe it's a clever reverse psychology gambit, since so many folks have gone against CDC guidelines from the start...?
Nearly wanted to say welcome to England because our covid loving government have made this the norm for what seems like years
Yup, y'all were still having raves out there and shit. Over here, there were people having secret gatherings because they didn't wanna lock down...