
Absolutely imperative that everyone make a plan starting now to attend a minimum of 3 school board and/or library board meeting in 2024 in your locality. Reading banned books is nice but that's not going to reverse anything happening. Be present, get others to join you.
I’m the Mayor of a small City. Please also attend your local government meetings. Yes, I know they’re boring, but this is where all those rules and regulations that people bristle about tend to start. I run an open meeting, people are free to chime in within reason, and the input is usually welcomed
I've watched the videos. Absolutely NO FUCKIGN ONE is wearing masks. So I'm out. :(
Right? In my rural community, we’re packed into tiny buildings and no one is masking except us. We’re trying to keep exposure to a minimum.
Exactly! I care and I want to be involved and it's just not something I am willing to risk.
One thing you can do without having to risk your health is write letters to editors of local and regional newspapers or op-eds! and you can make calls to politicians' offices and demand they do better and protect their constituents. Calls and letters make a BIG difference over time
*crashes in, Kool Aid Man style* Also consider making comments on regulatory processes on local, state, and fed level! You can pick an area of interest (e.g. election admin) & submit comments that the agency is required to read and consider in the rulemaking process. Federal Register has fed stuff.
Yes, this! Use your voice everywhere because at the very least, that's time and space that cannot be taken up by some far-right 1488 fuckhead
Yes, oh my gosh, PLEASE writer letters to the editor of your local paper. Almost all the letters we get are from a very homogenous print subscriber base.
I've never done the letter thing, that's a good idea!!
Yay, yes, please! It seems like nothing at all, but regional politicians always read those (well, they have their interns read them) to figure out who to pander to
Speaking as a school board member, it's super helpful to have supportive people in the audience, and not just ... the other ones.
Some supportive public comments instead of the “literacy advocates” aka astroturf school choice orgs yelling at us would go a long way.
This is California centric but here’s a PSA for those who can’t attend board meetings. I’ve seen some effective union letter/writing campaigns at school boards where only the president and a handful of members actually spoke:
Just a local government PSA: I saw someone on here say they can’t attend school board meeting but want to be involved. You can always write letters to individual board members or to the board as a whole to enter into public record!
My locality will be fine. We're civilized here. But yeah, anybody out in the freaky white suburbs better pay attention.
Speaking as a public librarian who has recently worked in several "we'll be fine" places and gets to hear about the others in my 'ultra blue' county from my colleagues, your locality is likely already not fine and the idea that being civilized will save you is why you haven't figured that out yet
Maybe. A lot of these freaks come from outside. Moreover, waiting until there is a problem leads to things like letting them get on school boards, library boards, or city councils. Some towns directly own libraries (like mine), so attending town meetings (or running for office) is important, too.
i would but i am in a weird situation where the school board hasn’t lost its mind yet
you don't have to wait until there's a problem to get involved. In fact, your consistent involvement could help make sure that things continue to proceed in a good way.
As someone currently running for school board—it doesn’t take much. if you’re not already listening to public comment that may be a clue of what is to come.
Run For Something just announced support $10M support for these races! Good luck! Cc/
You’d be surprised how it can come out of nowhere
it is my famillies intention. Its crazy down here in FL anymore.
reading the books… yeah great but in terms of power structures and materials gains that’s like buying a bumper sticker. nothing will happen at the consumer/commercial level