โญโญ๐Ÿ‘‘ Sounderbrarian - All Cornerkicks Are Beautiful

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โญโญ๐Ÿ‘‘ Sounderbrarian - All Cornerkicks Are Beautiful


Children's Librarian, internet yeller, incredibly thirsty soccer fan, bestower of Nico .gifs ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ. Skeets are mine, aprendo espaรฑol. #EBFG #CNdeF
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Fun fact: nearly dying from having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is not a serious enough issue for my asshole boomer father to keep him from asking me how my husband is doing and suggesting I make him dinner tonight.
It also outlines the need to cut off federal funding for any school that teaches "critical race theory," in the same breath. So, teach history the jingoistic way we demand or don't get funding. And erase queer people or we will pursue legal action.
some of the most banned books are just matter-of-fact books about sex ed, like: Let's Talk About It by Erica Moen and Matthew Nolan It's Perfectly Normal by the late Robie Harris This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
Note for folks: Materials providing sex education, including materials educating people about their own bodies, and even literary texts with explicit sexual references were previously considered obscene, pornographic, and illegal. They will target sex ed and English/Language Arts classes, too.
I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trumpโ€™s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
According to Project 2025, which is the heart of Trump's campaign and platform, if you teach or talk about the existence of LGBTQ people then you are a sex offender and should be imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
"Hey fellas, don't you just hate it when your neighbor sees you beating your wife and calls the cops on you? And then you have to give an awkward statement to your coworker when they show up to check things out? It's the worst!"
JD Vance: Make Abusers Great Again
J.D. Vance is a nightmare for moms. New from me in MomLeft (a new newsletter for moms on the left): www.momleft.com/p/jd-vance-i...
In this day and age. With all our modern technology. And advancement of the human race. With as far as we have come as a people. It is absolutely unconscionable that companies are still making items of clothing with itchy tags.
Guardian list based on climate scientists: voting flying eating less meat protesting having fewer children Count Us In list based on social scientists:
I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
Itโ€™s true โ€” thanks to corporate consolidation, Algonquin Young Readers is closing its doors. Iโ€™m proud of our list, sad for our excellent authors and artists, doubly sad for our staff. I am wrung out right now and donโ€™t have a lot more to say.
Hope you are planning for how you are going to organize over the next few months to do all you can to stop the fascists telling you exactly what they will do if given the chance to do it without pushback. They are coming for everything.
timeline cleanse hat tip @penryu.bsky.social
After heated political rhetoric about conservativesโ€™ Project 2025 plans allegedly led to the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, today one local MAGA man said people need to stop hating freedom-lovers like himself who just want more freedom to take away all your freedoms.โฃ
Local MAGA Man Just Wants More Freedom to Take Away All Your Freedoms: theneedling.com/2024/06/15/l...
"we conclude that sensational and misleading claims about LLM agency and capabilities emerge from a deep misconception of both what human language is and what LLMS are."
Large Models of What? Mistaking Engineering Achievements for Human Linguistic Agency arxiv.org/abs/2407.08790 New paper with Marek McGann
โ€œFor many library workers, the material consequences of unchecked capitalism are the stuff of everyday life.โ€ Emily Drabinski on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism: inthesetimes.com/article/publ...
The Library Is a Commonsinthesetimes.com A socialist former president of the American Library Association on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism.
I have some bad news about American institutions.
WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
Everyone is (perhaps rightly) fixated on bad things - but I'm finding some cool historical examples of outdoor libraries ("Reading in the Open Air," Recreation, 1937; "Outdoor Libraries," Hygeia, 1938; Los Angeles Public Library park pop-up, 1937, via the LAPL's sesquicentennial exhibition)
Likewise, if we truly value reading for pleasure as the skill-builder and repetitive reinforcement of basic skills that it can be, we need to give kids time in school to do it. Forget the tests. The TRUE waste of time in schools is neglecting... 5/
Do not obey in advance.
my feelings on veteran praise in this country are too complex for 280 characters, but Kurt Vonnegut on the creation of veterans day is to the point.
modern dating is like the game hades, consider: -you gotta keep starting over -it's difficult -different characters keep being introduced and some are probably evil but it's not always clear at first -it's in hell -sometimes there is a dog
Merge a band with a TV show: Everybody Loves Sugar Raymond
Merge a band with a TV show The Courtship of Eddie Money's Father
I have small bones that grew out of my face then other, larger small bones pushed the first ones until they fell out. Now I am apparently supposed to clean my small face bones constantly which seems like a design flaw.
donโ€™t forget to think about your bones today
In the immortal words of James Baldwin, "It's not on us to cool it."
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. โ€ฆ
All the calls for โ€œeveryoneโ€ to โ€œcool down the rhetoricโ€ etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery, if you like
No cheating (unless you wanna lol). Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery if you'd like.
Also, if you can, please consider giving blood. My blood count got low enough that I couldn't even sit up without starting to black out. It's going to take weeks for my body to replace the blood I lost. A stranger gave their blood, and it's currently keeping me alive and out of hospital
Clearly, I made the right choice in having a ruptured fallopian tube on Thursday so I could miss the bulk of... whatever the fuck has been happening the last three days
I'm gonna take this moment to reiterate how important Roe v. Wade was. I had an unknown tubal pregnancy that ruptured. There are a LOT of states in this country rn where I could have been refused treatment at all or until I was on the brink of death, because the only viable intervention is abortion.
Clearly, I made the right choice in having a ruptured fallopian tube on Thursday so I could miss the bulk of... whatever the fuck has been happening the last three days