
Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
I was so upset to see friends on FB whom I thought were deeply committed to democracy expressing the idea of moving to Europe after the debate. WTF. Pull up those big girl panties, realize it wasn’t one and done, and get back to the fight. Fascism is on the rise everywhere. Running is not an option.
Who is organizing a gofundme to buy 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices?
100%. Every assessment of things going badly has to point to something to do. Also, anger is a productive emotion. Channel your despair into anger, then act. (Re bad news today: Senate hearings on SCOTUS now. Call Schumer.)
it's insane that the collective response is to shrug our shoulders and give up on democracy because an old man had a cold instead of shouting in the fucking streets about Project 2025
Last time I encountered this feeling, I started a recurring donation to Run For Something. Great investment in the future (which is local and younger).
Would you like some good news? Since yesterday morning, 500+ young people have signed up at to run for state or local office. The present is bleak; the future could be bright!
Where Can I Run — Run for Something Action Use this tool to find out when, where and how you can run for office.
Cynicism of the brain, Optimism of the will.
*Ban first-past-the-post; replace it with any other voting method (ranked choice is *okay* but multiple voting is simpler) *Expand _all_ the courts. They're clogged up anyway and normal people are routinely delayed or denied justice. *Delete the electoral college Meanwhile: Make backup plans.
Even when we are still working to make things better we can feel despair. It becomes cynicism when we stop working because we decide it's no use. Today things look pretty bleak but e have to keep working.
How, though? It’s hard not to be cynical when the most notable “leftest” countries end up being hypocritical monsters, like communist China or the Soviet Union? And how are we supposed to focus on making a better world when history show us that humans apparently like bloodthirsty monsters?