
lawsuits aren't going to prevent fascism.
Wait don’t the fascists play by the rules…
It’s the strongly worded letter about the Titanic’s sinking. We are at war for chrissakes.
Only violence and fascism prevent fascism. 🤷‍♂️
i think a lot about the sacrifeces people in ww2 made in the u.s. (not to compare this to the sacrifeces in europe which were obviously way greater) my mom (b.1940) told me a story about one of her earliest memories of rationing. they only had one bananna for their ration so my grandmother....
would give my mom the bananna, but mom remembers her mom just smelling that bananna just to get some of the sense of the flavor. kids gave up their toys, one of my grandfathers was too old to fight, so trained ladies to work on assembly lines to build our war machine. that unity is...
what beat facism. if i'm the other world powers at the time after the end of ww2 i'd be scared as fuck of us. massive war machine and crazy city leveling bombs. if i were opposed to a nation like that i would think the only solution would be the long game, break up that unity. sow discontent...
we never really ended our civil war so we had plenty of shit simmering that could be ignited. now here we are today ready to tear each others throats out, being led on by media owned by foreign billionairs. anyway sorry for the rant, i'm tired, scared, and tripping