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Pure, unfiltered Danks. Fresh squeezed, no addatives.

tech && cats
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A cautionary tale
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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To everyone pushing "AI", I wish you a very always having sand in your underwear everything tastes like rotten fish always feeling like you're chewing on aluminum foil day
Well this is grim
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if you don’t know the heritage foundation, they spent millions courting & supporting clarence thomas, alito, gorsuch, kavanaugh, & amy coney barrett. they also fund litigious fascist orgs like moms for liberty. here’s what they can do when all the little moving parts come together.
if you’re not familiar with heritage, if you don’t give a fuck about biden v trump, i bet you have some experience with the moms for liberty freaks who make every schoolboard & pta meeting hell, who want to burn the books in your libraries. heritage pays for that.
i think a lot about the sacrifeces people in ww2 made in the u.s. (not to compare this to the sacrifeces in europe which were obviously way greater) my mom (b.1940) told me a story about one of her earliest memories of rationing. they only had one bananna for their ration so my grandmother....
Reposted byAvatar Danks
when you start asking questions about the fucking boogeyman the fucking boogeyman loses his power. candyman isn’t real. NYT columnists absolutely do not predict the future of elections, and they are legitimately very bad at it.
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When does a boy band become a man band? (Don’t say ‘Ask Boyz II Men’, that’s a facile response)
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Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
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Today is the only day you can repost this
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16 million more people with health care coverage Significantly lower health care expenses for seniors 700 million-some free Covid tests sent through the mail The most pro-union NLRB general counsel in history People convicted of domestic violence now banned from owning guns and so on
Reposted byAvatar Danks
"voting doesn't make a difference" ok sure mate, now I just gotta decide which is more likely, that all the votes in all the elections in all the world have never mattered in any way or that some cynical lackwit on the internet is wrong
Reposted byAvatar Danks
At this point, it is 100% undeniable that the Supreme Court majority is attempting to destroy democracy and seize total power over the US. They're not even trying to hide it. Since the media refuses to clearly convey this fact to the public, tell everyone you know.
Feels like we could sure use a Constitutional Crisis right about now
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“Rumors. Fear. Suspicion. Hysteria. Hatred. 1951.”
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I'm sorry your religion sucks so bad you have to violate the constitution to try to get kids to buy it but fuck off
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This is why mask bans are suddenly being proposed. If you’re in a place where that’s happening and you think we should prioritize public and personal health and freedom over expanding the powers of the police state then please do let your representatives know why the freedom to mask matters to you
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).
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Should be national news: - Cop accused of grooming & raping 15 year old - Two other cops had sex with her in cop cars - She gets pregnant, found dead - Cop was last one to see her alive, in apt where she was found - Ruled suicide with no tests on DNA evidence - No criminal charges against anyone
This belly ain't gonna rub itself
one more day until i'm free of daily mailers, texts, calls, unskippable youtube ads, and whatever else from george latimer. in 25 years of living here i have never seen this in a primary. even had leaflets posted on ever apartment door in my building.
Reposted byAvatar Danks
“Ph.D. level intelligence” is an oxymoron, because it’s not intelligence that defines a Ph.D. LLMs lack curiosity, enthusiasm, or interest, nor can they be responsible for their own research. LLMs can’t even ensure the truthfulness of their own generated text.
Reposted byAvatar Danks
I keep seeing journalists and others take things that #OpenAI employees say at face value. Just given the data we have it's safe to assume that everyone working there in any kind of managerial role is a compulsive liar. They are even less credible than the outputs their products generate.
Reposted byAvatar Danks
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Reposted byAvatar Danks
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
Reposted byAvatar Danks
If you're asking "when did The Boys get woke" or "when did Star Wars get woke" or "when did Star Trek get woke" or "when did Doctor Who get woke" or "when did X-Men get woke" it might be time to face facts: you don't have the basic mental capacity to be able to handle watching TV or movies.
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I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
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as with the "Joe Biden is a socialist!" line, Netanyahu is going to call Biden an anti-Israel nut who won't sell him weapons whether he does sell him weapons or not, so like... might as well do the right thing! you'll get blamed for it either way!
Netanyahu released a video in English directly attacking Biden and Blinken. "I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel".
Reposted byAvatar Danks
This should be front-and-center in every “hey why are so many VCs backing Trump this time” article. Joe Biden has spent 3.5 years rebuilding administrative capacity. We now have regulators actually saying “hey knock it off that’s illegal.” The VCs would much prefer autocracy to accountability.
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
Reposted byAvatar Danks
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Under current law, you really couldn’t do much better than Biden’s FTC and NRLB. New Deal shit.
Reposted byAvatar Danks
"The reality is that the people with the most money have devised, at every turn, new and more bulletproof ways for them to make and keep more money, and for the people who make things to make less."
Rereading this and I'm going to bed to cry: "Ernest Hemingway was paid $1 a word in 1936. That's more than $21 per word in today's dollars. The maximum I was ever paid to write for a glossy magazine in print was $2/word, in 2021." defector.com/the-money-is...
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | Defectordefector.com You can always tell who in Hollywood has family money by their Instagrams. People like Dakota Johnson, who have a Hollywood lineage deeper than the Mariana Trench, post only rarely. They post about so...