
confirming my solidarity networks and absolutely tripling down on local connections.
I need to make new local connections. Drama years back alienated most of my local support.
It's so important. Knowing all of my neighbors and having a few active PODs really helped me through the height of the COVID pandemic. I was grateful that I had spent years in advance laying those foundations. Highly recommend.
I did too. I had an amazing support structure. Then polycule drama and medication-induced psychosis, among other things, blew everything apart just before COVID. I barely survived.
Sending you positive energy. Glad you're still here.
People needed me. That's literally the key reason I'm still alive. And in order to make sure I'd continue being able to help, I built interdependence via my solidarity work on social media.
. . . CW suicide . . . When all that happened, I got ready to die. Had the meds laid out & everything, said my goodbyes. 2 people attempted suicide as a direct result (failed, planned to try again) & 3 more made explicit plans.
In interdependent communities built around shared disabilities, suicide can be the first domino in a cascade.
I stuck around initially because some of my chosen family badly needed a place to live, & one of those people was 11 years old. Keeping them safe was more important to me than ending the pain.
Incidentally, your work is a non-trivial component of what keeps me going. Seeing you tirelessly working to improve the lot of oppressed people gives me much needed hope.
that means a lot to me. I really do try to do what I can, within my capacity.
You should be proud of your accomplishments. I hold you in very high esteem.