
reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
the simple way to think about it is that the office of the presidency is a gun. the Court has held that when you become the President, you have an unfettered right to use that gun any way you please. an insane decision.
The court has no oversight, the president can do whatever the president wants, and congress is…tied up by things like the filibuster, the parliamentarian, and centrist Dems who wanna play nice with republicans? 🫠
We have the worst system of government I swear to Godzilla
It's telling that not a single democracy created since the US Constitution was adopted created any system like it. I just see their founders backing away slowly and smiling, trying not to make eye contact.
And the filibuster was literally an accident that went unused for decades