Kate Adams

Kate Adams


Reposted by Kate Adams
"The job of any college president testifying before Congress in this moment, in my view, is to give a full-throated and robust defense of academic freedom… If it costs them their job, so be it. If the cost of keeping your job is doing what the president of Columbia did, then it’s not worth it."
Opinion | ‘If You’re Suppressing Speech in the Name of Safety, You’re Doing the Wrong Thing’www.chronicle.com An interview with Irene Mulvey, president of the AAUP, about recent campus crackdowns on protesters.
Reposted by Kate Adams
It's urgent that we discover who's brainwashed American college students into paying attention to what the US government does and caring about it
Reposted by Kate Adams
Posted here and in the bird place, the text of a letter I sent to Tulane's president after he had cops on horseback violently break up the student protest encampment there, with many students arrested and suspended. "Dear President Fitts: Greetings again.  I'm writing to you after seeing the +
Reposted by Kate Adams
The actions at UVA are particularly appalling, given how the university and police handled the 2017 "Unite the Right" (neo-Nazi) rally there. In case you think anyone in power actually gives a shit about antisemitism in all this, think about that. theracket.news/p/when-the-h...
When the hammer came down at UVAtheracket.news Seven years after allowing neo-Nazis to march on its campus, a storied university crushed students who were protesting genocide
Reposted by Kate Adams
Stolen from a colleague…
End of feed.