
There's been a canard that rich countries forcing a clean energy transition are harming poor countries and we should instead have been helping them to build their own cheap coal plants. As battery+solar costs drop below coal this dated tale will become totally obsolete, just like the coal plants.
Just a few years ago any talk of this was dismissed by the "experts" who told us that we would always need gas. And now.... "renewable energy by itself is already much cheaper than coal and gas-fired plants"
Tumble in storage battery costs to boost shift to renewables, says An expected sharp fall in battery costs for energy storage in coming years will accelerate the shift to renewable energy from fossil fuels, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Thursday.
This is one of the most promising aspects of this. We've had to listen to oil company CEOs tell us they just want to help bring electricity to the world. If that were true, they should now be investing in solar. Of course, it was never true.
Fossil Fuel CEOs Say They Just Want to Lift People Out of Poverty. Do You Believe Them? In a 2013 interview about the risks and rewards of oil exploration, Charlie Rose asked then Exxon CEO (and now Secretary of State) Rex Tillerson if his philosophy was “Drill, baby, drill!”  Tillerson ...