Profit Greenly

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Profit Greenly

I'm just a dad, standing in front of the world, asking everyone to love heat pumps, eBikes, solar, wind, transmission, dense housing, trains, buses and other things that can help us avoid civilization destroying climate change.
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Here’s a message: the next four years sets the landscape for the rest of the century for America. Democracy, a livable climate, & justice for all is a path we can choose. Because of the hard work and accomplishments of the 1st term, a better future for all is within sight. Let’s go get it, together.
Which is obviously not future-oriented! But it's a kind of alternate reality future. I do think whatever happens with this period and whether it's Biden or someone else, a vision of what's over the horizon is pretty important and has been a bit absent in this campaign.
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Read this great thread below. We can build a climate community on Bluesky. Here’s a starter pack for folks to follow some people who work on climate.
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
Do Something About Climate Change Starter Join the conversation
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NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
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Reposted byAvatar Profit Greenly
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Reposted byAvatar Profit Greenly
Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
If you don't know your costs you can't know which is better. How can you know which is better if you don't know your costs?
Look at the program costs to find the answer there. The total spend here was nearly $10 million, if the $589,000 benefits figure is correct that's not great. If that $10M had instead been used to build affordable housing it'd provide tens of millions in public benefits over its lifetime.
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Reposted byAvatar Profit Greenly
40 years ago, the ozone hole was still a big problem 60 years ago, rivers were catching fire in the United States Progress is possible! (Hopefully in 2054 there will be a post like “30 years ago, GHG emissions were still at record highs but now they’re near zero”)
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
I'm a sucker for when Fortnine tries to elevate from a regular old YouTube review channel to real filmmaking. Their attempts to show, not tell, the good/bad of this funky little eScooter made my morning.
$1000 Honda Suitcase - Motocompacto Rent a motorcycle affordably on your travels or make passive income renting yours out through Riders Share : s...
Republicans in the PA house jeering police officers? Oh wait that's cause these particular police officers defended against the insurrection in DC on January 6th and these people want to pretend that didn't happen. Party of law and order right?
Pa. House Republicans walk out of ceremony for officers who defended U.S. Capitol during Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Philadelphia, was introducing the officers and commending them for their heroic actions on Jan. 6 when several Republicans booed.
CNN writes a whole article on how people are selling more stocks than they're buying. Never once mentions that the US total stock index has been consistently rising and closed at an all time high the same day they published. Seems almost like they're pushing a narrative...
Reposted byAvatar Profit Greenly
Climate world—this is the real deal. Congestion pricing is an oil demand reduction program. And an incredibly effective one. It will improve air quality for communities overburdened with deadly pollution. It will fund transit. It will make communities healthier. It’s a huge climate win, if we do it.
Kathy Hochul’s decision to halt congestion pricing in NYC — if it holds — is a generational setback for US climate policy. It is worse than the Mountain Valley pipeline or Willow project in Alaska, and it will have lacerating national implications. I wrote about it:
Kathy Hochul’s Climate Delaying congestion pricing is one of the worst climate policy decisions made by any Democrat in recent memory.
Odd that this is the first way I saw this news.
"They engage in wild hypocrisy as an act of domination, adhering to something demonstrably untrue out of spite, because they believe that power belongs to those with the greatest will to take it, and what greater sign of will than the ability to override truth?" Dan Olson
If "given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness" -Hannah Arendt
In Search Of A Flat Clickbait Title: The Twist at 37 Minutes Will Make You Believe We Live In HellMore Lake Footage: has taken a long time to ma...
Costa accurately lays out the actual big things people need to focus on to address climate change. Don't sweat the small stuff. DO tackle the big stuff.
None of this stuff really matters for climate change. The big items for us as individuals are: - how much & how clean we drive & travel - how much & how clean we heat & cool our homes (and we should heat and cool as much as we need to be safe) - the carbon intensity of what we eat - do we vote
Google's recent pivot to AI search, with its massive energy waste and litany of misleading answers has finally pushed me to switch my default search engine. Google used to produce more useful results than Duck Duck Go, that's no longer true so why not switch?
I mean I asked it how many calories an infant should take in a day and it scraped a message board to tell me how many calories were in a baby if I were to eat it. That was a layup question.
In the 1950s Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Lewis Strauss predicted that in the future fusion power would be too cheap to meter. Today this is true for many hours a year, but from fusion from the sun harnessed by solar panels. Anti-solar articles work to frame this in a negative light. Hmmm.
Thinking of Jigar Shah's defense of new nuclear on He noted that we'd need to 3x our transmission to be all solar and wind, and we're only on track to 1.8x. In the previous reconductoring interview Emily Chojkiewicz noted advanced conductors can add nearly 4x more transmission capacity.
This is a big part of why I have hope on climate, but the job is far from done and the fact that we've delayed as long as we have had locked on some terrible consequences already. We can still avoid the worst though, but we need to deploy renewables like crazy.
💥Wind & solar are "fastest-growing electricity sources in history" – new Ember report ⛰️They're growing faster than demand: Peak fossil fuel power in 2024 – then "inevitable" decline 🏭They already shaved 22% off fossil power, saving 4GtCO2/yr
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The snail’s head is coming out from its shell! At this pace, by 2030 battery deployments will have solved all issues of renewable energy variability, pointing the way to a 100% clean electricity grid with little need for gas backup. From today’s NYT. Gift:
An obvious no brainer for warm climates, but even good for cold ones. One issue is that old models needed a large indoor area to pull heat from (and they'd chill it significantly). Newer models can pull heat from outdoor air as cold as 24 F and then use resistance backup for the few colder days.
Looks like heat pumps are going to be the standard for hot water heaters going forward.
There's been a canard that rich countries forcing a clean energy transition are harming poor countries and we should instead have been helping them to build their own cheap coal plants. As battery+solar costs drop below coal this dated tale will become totally obsolete, just like the coal plants.
Just a few years ago any talk of this was dismissed by the "experts" who told us that we would always need gas. And now.... "renewable energy by itself is already much cheaper than coal and gas-fired plants"
Tumble in storage battery costs to boost shift to renewables, says An expected sharp fall in battery costs for energy storage in coming years will accelerate the shift to renewable energy from fossil fuels, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Thursday.
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These are the stakes: The planet. “It would become an all-out assault on any possible progress on climate change,” said Pete Maysmith, the senior vice president of campaigns at the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group.
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
Another reason to support YIMBY policies. We'll still need to retrofit millions of homes, but more building near jobs/schools with good codes can increase the rate of new, efficient homes and thus require millions fewer retrofits. This provides the added benefit of reducing vehicle miles for free.
This is the tyranny of the turnover math in the race to zero emissions. Cars, houses, buildings, factories, and power plants are not phones- we don’t replace them every few years. They are long-lived emissions producing assets.
Just read the most ridiculous anti-ev oped from a Texas newspaper. It starts with an odd tangential claim that Saudi Arabia's working to move NASCAR off oil. Then spends most of the article quoting Paul Walker's brother about how much engine noise matters. Probably why EVs now play fake vroom vrooms
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Elementary school book fairs are quietly turning into toy fairs. Yesterday my son bought a book on dino facts that came with this dino roar sound maker which he's been incessantly clicking since 6 am. Of course these are all just movie sound effects. It'd be educational if it had bird calls instead.
Lots of articles about the 4-2 decision of the AZ Supreme Court causing a wholesale ban on abortion in the state fail to mention that in 2016 AZ Republicans packed their Supreme Court by adding 2 new judges to it. Seems important.
Where Court Packing Is Already Four years ago, Arizona expanded its state supreme court. Here’s how it turned out.
Was forced to use Sling's AI chatbot to cancel my subscription last night because they have deleted the old cancel subscription link (which is still screenshoted in their FAQ). No need to chat if they just provided the link, but thats not an option. AI use is often a solution in search of a problem.