
To be clear, I think everyone here is making good points in good faith, but I want to point out the *submerged* disagreement: Should the Democrats do symbolic things? Message? Respect practical constraints? There isn't any agreement here or anywhere else!
I've flagged up that this *also* gets done in bad faith; the "no, not like that!" response to getting the messaging you asked for is extremely common
The last (4?) impeachment attempts have pretty clearly demonstrated that they are performative and have little actual value (not convinced that's a permanent state after today). But the pitchfork crowd on here is hangry for perfomatism.
Until it fails, and then I will have to hear for years how if they had just done it the way everyone remembers imagining it on social media it would have worked and it only fails because they wanted it to
Yep. So AOC introduces it. Johnson refuses to bring it to the floor. Nobody remembers.
I’m not even sure if I’m agreeing with myself on that question! The only way to square that circle IMO is that the answer for “POTUS” vs “any Member of Congress” are different.
It also feels helpful that it lets Democrats try a few things and let them figure out the slogans/specific actions that resonate the most and can be most actionable moving forward. Hit SCOTUS and the GOP with everything and see what hits