
Trump came in with this right wing tide, or perhaps *was* the tide, and now hopefully he flows out with it
Still too soon to say but it will be funny if Meloni is the only one who can successfully make the transition because of Italy's batshit politics
anyway yes, too soon to say. I honestly don't know what to say anymore to people who are -adamant- that another Trump presidency will not be appreciably different from another term under Biden. or that there's too much propaganda from both sides to know what to think about Ukraine war.
I haven't paid a ton of attention to Meloni, but am I off in thinking that unlike rodeo clowns like Trump and Farage (among others), she comes off as more sort of polished and downplayed? Marine LePen has been working steadily at the same. Dunno the new young dude, who seems like a cipher.
Yeah. A specifically American version of that tide, wrapped up in specifically American grievances and American showbiz. But still a part of the bigger thing. I dunno. We'll have a clearly idea in twenty years, as always.