
I don’t remember who posted it, but a couple of years ago I saw an artist say that they have a “no post” sketchbook that stays offline since I started mine I’ve felt myself loosen up and stop thinking about the gaze of others while drawing- I think it’s good for everyone to try
Evergreen post reminder that your sketchbook is allowed to look like shit, it's meant to be a sandbox environment where you can just try stuff out without the pressure to crank out a pretty illustration🤠yeehaw scribble town
Yes! I know that post too. It's very nice to just.. not share a bunch of stuff. Both rough sketches as well as some fully rendered/refined works. Not everything needs to be seen.
Yes!! Exactly- I really love the freedom it offers
I started this when I first got my iPad, kept most of it private even from my partner, its very very freeing when you decide that no one but you is going to see it. (I did end up posting some of the better ones years later but it wasn't my original intention)
This was an evergreen suggestion in a few art study circles I’ve been in whenever anyone felt like they were stuck trying to make all their art look perfect: have a trash sketchbook just for you where you’re allowed to make tons of “bad art” (or weird art, comfort art, whatever!) It’s very freeing!
I definitely need to do this. I’ve been wanting to start working with more traditional tools lately
That's a good idea. I have a sketch book with thingsn I've mostly never posted because they are little water color pieces I show friends but I'm not sure that is the same thing. Maybe I'll pick up a small one to be my secret sketch book!